Category Archives: Gaming

"Geek" Culture

“Geek” Culture

Geek Culture though my eyes We all know what it feels like to be an outcast and somewhat different than your peers. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or the work force, you know what it feels like to be left out. For all of you Read More…



First Jason And Now Freddy Slashing Away

First Jason And Now Freddy Slashing Away

Rumor: Europe Might Be Getting A Xbox 360 Price Cut So yesterday I talked about how and why the PS3 might get a much needed price slash. Now it turns out that the Xbox 360 might be getting one as well. The big difference in these two stories is that Read More…



Master Chief

They’re Not Dolls!

New Halo Figures Out From McFarlane Toys They are action figures. In fact they are action figures of one of the most popular games on the Xbox system. McFarlane is also know for having some of the best figurines ever made. I know I have a slew of th Read More…



Kai Kicks Nariko Out…

Kai Kicks Nariko Out…

Info about Heavenly Sword II We all knew it would happen, with Heavenly Sword being a huge game. Not to mention being featured on Heroes. Good news on this is that it has been written already and production is going. Another interesting thing that p Read More…



Double Axe For Wii

Double Axe For Wii

Guitar Hero III Gets New Pack So you might have heard or been mixed up in the fiasco of the Mono-sound issue with the Wii version of the game. If you signed up for the replacement disc, I'm sorry for you since that doesn't seem to be going to well, Read More…





TramaPWN = Who Is With Me!

TramaPWN = Who Is With Me!

Can you really trademark the term Pwned or Pwn As we all know, PWN or PWNED is a slang term (which belongs to gaming the community) that implies domination or humiliation of a rival, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture to taunt an opponent Read More…



The Day The Dragon Died :(

The Day The Dragon Died :(

Dungeons & Dragons Creator Gary Gygax Dead, 3/4/2008 A sad day indeed. Gary Gygax died today in his home from natural causes at the age of 69. For those who don't know or didn't read the title bar, he was the creator for Dungeons and Dragons. This n Read More…



F*ck Your TV Guide!

F*ck Your TV Guide!

Wii Gets A New Channel Currently the main information is out of Japan, as usual. Yes yet another thing they get before us, but what's new right? Now this is a free download onto the Wii as with the other channels it offers up. What does it do? Reall Read More…



GameSpot Looking For A Few Good Men/Women

GameSpot Looking For A Few Good Men/Women

GameSpot Looking For Some New Staff Members Do you like money? Do you like games? Do you like to make sure people hear your opinions on games? Now if only you could have a job doing just that. Oh wait, CNET/GameSpot is looking for just that. So if y Read More…



New Bronze Age for the PSP

New Bronze Age for the PSP

Japan Gets A New Color For The PSP - Bronze Not only do they get all the new stuff first, they also get all the other iterations of colored PSPs. Coming on the 24th of April, they can add yet another color to their arsenal of colored PSP. It will be Read More…



Slashing Prices Like Jason Voorhees

Slashing Prices Like Jason Voorhees

Annalist think there will be another Price cut for the PS3 It is nothing official announced by Sony at all, but looking at it from a financial stand point, it makes sense. They have been trying to break even on the cost of production and advertiseme Read More…



MGS4 Content Barely Fits Inside Box

MGS4 Content Barely Fits Inside Box

MGS4's Content to massive to fit on anything but Blu-Ray According to a few sites out there, it has been stated that there is no English track on the new Metal Gear game for the fact that it just couldn't be fit on to the Blu-Ray disk. So no subtitl Read More…



Opening Acts For Aerosmith

Opening Acts For Aerosmith

Aerosmith's Version of Guitar Hero Ok, so this might fix the new Guitar Hero game due out in June. When they announced the next iteration of the franchise was going to be an Aerosmith version, I know I groaned at it. Not saying I hate the band, but Read More…



Brainscan 2.0 (Am I The Only One Who Saw That Film?)

Brainscan 2.0 (Am I The Only One Who Saw That Film?)

Emotiv EPOC™ Needs Beta Tester So I posted before about how Emotiv was bringing a controller onto the market that used brain waves to control the game. It was in the old news section before you start searching for it. There were a few videos o Read More…

