Category Archives: Gaming



Borderlands 3 — Moxxi’s Heist Of The Handsome Jackpot

It Is Time For The Ultimate Heist In Borderlands 3

The next DLC for Borderlands 3 is coming and we will be facing off with one of Borderlands’ more iconic villains yet again Just in time for the holidays, we are going to be getting the next big DLC for Borderlands 3 to play and enjoy. This time we Read More…



Superliminal — Logo

Review — Superliminal

We sit down and review Superliminal. A game to focuses on forced perspective for puzzles. Here is our review of Superliminal It has been some time since we had a good puzzle game out there to play now it is time for Superliminal to take a shot at giv Read More…



Detroit: Become Human — PC Trailer

The PC Release Date Is Hardcoded For Detroit: Become Human

The release date for the PC version of Detroit: Become Human is set down with gamers being able to play Detroit: Become Human this December If you have been looking to play Detroit: Become Human on the PC, we now have the release date set for those l Read More…



Blair Witch — Key Art

Blair Witch Is Coming To Haunt The Corners Of The PS4

A PS4 version of Blair Witch is coming and with it will come some extras to add into the horror of Blair Witch in DLC form If you were like me, and I am guessing not, you might have been let down that there was not a showing of Blair Witch on the PS4 Read More…



Rust — Console Announcement

Rust Is Finally Making Its Way Over To Consoles

Survival game, Rust, will finally be making its way over to the consoles for even more players to try to survive in the world of Rust If you have been one of those gamers sitting around and listening to your friends talk about Rust over the years and Read More…



Tell Me Why — Key Art

Tell Me Why Is The Next Episodic Title Coming From DontNod

During X019 this year, Tell Me Why was announced with Tell Me Why being the next episodic story to delve into some deeper themes than normal I do hope that we are all about to be ready for another episodic title to come at us, as we have a new one an Read More…





This Week In Video Games

This Week In Video Games 11/12/19 — 11/15/19

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week We powered through one more week of video games and have finally made it to another weekend where we get to actually enjo Read More…







RAGE 2 — TerrorMania

Welcome To The Deadlands Of TerrorMania Of RAGE 2

RAGE 2’s next expansion is now out there and ready for us to walk into the Deadlands that are within RAGE 2 Get ready to walk into the land of the dead in RAGE 2, as the next DLC is here and ready for us to download and take on. This would be the b Read More…



Tamarin — Xbox One Annoucement

Tamarin Is Now Climbing Its Way Onto The Xbox One

The Xbox One will now be getting Tamarin with this version of Tamarin launching on the console in 2020 If you were feeling like you were going to be left out of the fun of Tamarin as it was only announced for the PS4 and PC back when we first caught Read More…





Mortal Kombat 11 — Sindel

The Scream Queen Is Almost Here In Mortal Kombat 11

The first gameplay for Sindel in Mortal Kombat 11 is here to show us just how this Queen will be destroying all in the massive Mortal Kombat We all knew she was coming, but now we have a chance to see just how Sindel will mix it up in Mortal Kombat 1 Read More…

