Category Archives: PS4

Resident Evil 4 — Launch Date

Resident Evil 4 Is Coming To Us Again This August

The release date for Resident Evil 4 on the current gen systems has been announced and we'll see Resident Evil 4 this August again While it isn't new news that Resident Evil 4 is heading the PS4 and Xbox One directly, that was announced a while back Read More…



Paragon — Greystone

Paragon’s Next Hero Is About To Join The Fight To Die

The next hero to join Paragon is Greystone and we get to see him fight and die in Paragon only to come back and save the day The next and newest hero to come to Paragon has just been shown off and slated to come with the July 12th update for the gam Read More…



Evolve — Stage 2

Evolve Has Gone To Stage 2 As It Goes Free To Play

It has been announced that Evolve is going free to play and you can now download Evolve on the PC to give all the new additions a try If you loved it or hated Evolve it makes no difference as the game is going free-to-play and getting a whole lot of Read More…



Battlefield 1 — Domination

Check Out Some New Dominating Battlefield 1 Gameplay

Some new gameplay for Battlefield 1 has been released out of the closed alpha for Battlefield 1 and it shows off the Domination mode of the game If you have been pining for some new Battlefield 1 gameplay footage and have yet to have had personal ac Read More…



Deadlight: Director's Cut — Review

Review — Deadlight: Director’s Cut

We sit down and review Deadlight: Director's Cut. It's another remaster for a game that didn't get much love before. Here's our review of Deadlight: Director's Cut It's only been a short four years and now we have Deadlight: Director's Cut landing o Read More…





Fallout 4 — Nuka-World

Fallout 4 Final DLC Looks To Be The Upcoming Nuka-World

At E3 the Fallout 4 Nuka-World DLC was teased and shown off to the world but now it seems it will be the final Fallout 4 DLC too Hopefully you weren't banking on the Fallout 4 DLC to keep rolling out after the most recently teased one. As it seems t Read More…



Paranautical Activity — Review

Review — Paranautical Activity

We sit down and review Paranautical Activity. Here's another procedurally generated FPS for us all to look at. Here's our review of Paranautical Activity In the mix of all the huge titles and events going on it looks like Paranautical Activity has s Read More…





Hard Reset Redux — 10 Minutes Of Glorious 60FPS Mayhem!

Review — Hard Reset Redux

We sit down and review Hard Reset Redux. It's another remaster of a classic title but it is one that needed to be done. Here's our review of Hard Reset Redux It's been some time coming but Hard Reset Redux has launched on consoles and has been given Read More…







This Week In Video Games

This Week In Video Games 6/27/16 — 7/1/16

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here's a recap of what we covered in the world of video games It's been one hell of a week in video games now hasn't it? So many things have released or have just received an announcement and we are still Read More…





Hitman — Marrakesh

Review — Hitman — Marrakesh

We sit down and review Hitman — Marrakesh. This is the third episode of Io Interactive's latest addition to the Hitman franchise. Here's our review on how they did. The world is ever expanding for Hitman and here we go with another episode and loc Read More…

