Category Archives: PlayStation

New Bronze Age for the PSP

New Bronze Age for the PSP

Japan Gets A New Color For The PSP - Bronze Not only do they get all the new stuff first, they also get all the other iterations of colored PSPs. Coming on the 24th of April, they can add yet another color to their arsenal of colored PSP. It will be Read More…



Slashing Prices Like Jason Voorhees

Slashing Prices Like Jason Voorhees

Annalist think there will be another Price cut for the PS3 It is nothing official announced by Sony at all, but looking at it from a financial stand point, it makes sense. They have been trying to break even on the cost of production and advertiseme Read More…



MGS4 Content Barely Fits Inside Box

MGS4 Content Barely Fits Inside Box

MGS4's Content to massive to fit on anything but Blu-Ray According to a few sites out there, it has been stated that there is no English track on the new Metal Gear game for the fact that it just couldn't be fit on to the Blu-Ray disk. So no subtitl Read More…



Opening Acts For Aerosmith

Opening Acts For Aerosmith

Aerosmith's Version of Guitar Hero Ok, so this might fix the new Guitar Hero game due out in June. When they announced the next iteration of the franchise was going to be an Aerosmith version, I know I groaned at it. Not saying I hate the band, but Read More…





