Category Archives: Gaming

Dexter Game Planned

Dexter Game Planned

Looks like we are getting a Dexter video game to play IGN reports on plans for Marc Ecko Entertainment to create a game based on Dexter, the recursive serial killer Showtime series. Read More…





Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises

Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises

A new study shows that 38 percent of gamers are women Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises Source: Wired A recent list of facts published by the Entertainment Software Association reveals that 38 percent of gamers are women, despite common s Read More…


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Left 4 Dead New Media And Preview

Left 4 Dead New Media And Preview

IGN has given us an awesome look at Left 4 Dead this week Left 4 Dead was the center of attention this weekend as a result of exclusive coverage from Game Trailers and a preview by IGN. [caption id="attachment_84" align="aligncenter" width="660"] L Read More…






GDC 2008 Interview: Audiosurf

At GDC 2008 I was able to interview Dylan Fitterer about his latest title Audiosurf Dylan Fitterer is the creator of the excellent Audiosurf, a musical racing game that turns any mp3 track into a loop-the-loop high-speed course. It is safe to say y Read More…



Good Vs Bad You Be The Judge!

Good Vs Bad You Be The Judge!

2008 is going to be a year for awesome game releases. Will the media spin video games in a negative view more this year? In today's world two things are true. You are getting PWNED or you give the PWNAGE. So we asked our registered users how they fe Read More…

