A new behind the scenes video for Detroit: Become Human has been released and it takes us deeper into how Detroit is being built to give us a rich experience
I won’t deny that Detroit: Become Human had me hooked way back when the first teaser for the game popped up as Kara. Hopefully you remember way back when she and the teaser for the game came out when Quantic Dream showed here off last year. It will make the rest of this a bit easier and also make sure you know of one of the other main characters we will be playing in Detroit when it launches on the PS4. A second protagonist was announced during E3 as we were given a nice little demo of the gameplay. Although not much of the demo was explained and left for us to speculate on as we watched.
As it seems to be all the rage this year, we now have a better explanation of what is going on in Detroit well after the event and demo had been shown off. I’m not sure why the companies are doing this instead of just telling us what is going on during the show but it looks like the wait to get that is over. Here we have David Cage going through a lot of the basics of the gameplay and the world we will get to play in when it launches. For the most part it sounds a lot like a blending of Heavy Rain and Beyond with a good explanation of how all of the craziness is happening in the real world setting. At least a futuristic world setting for us.
Detroit: Become Human — A Closer Look At The E3 2016 Demo
If for some reason you missed out on the original demo for Detroit: Become Human shown off at E3 here it is just for you. It shows off how all of the new tech in the game and real world are being used to craft this intriguing branching story. Something Quantic Dream has seemed to perfect with only a few titles along with the ability to capture and render real actors into the digital roles we will be manipulating. Another great feat that I am sure we will see many others try to replicate or go to the studio to just do for them. Even these robots look and act more human than human characters in other games. At least in the mo-cap.
Detroit: Become Human — E3 2016 Gameplay
Does all of this make you more or less excited for Detroit: Become Human to finally launch? Do you think that Quantic has perfected the rendering and mo-caps for realistic looking humans? Do you think that this will be a perfect blending of the weird tech from their other titles to explain an amazing real world setting? Let us know and feel free to discuss in the comments below. For more on Detroit: Become Human as it comes out, be sure to stay glued right here to the site. It has captured our eyes and interests and we will be sure to have everything they are willing to offer up to us right here.