Category Archives: Gaming

Rockwall County District Attorney Ray Sumrow

Another Bad Boy In Politics

The tables have been turned on Rockwall County District Attorney Ray Sumrow, who, rather than prosecuting others, now himself stands accused of misappropriating funds to buy a souped-up gaming PC for his office. As reported by Kotaku: Prosecu Read More…



El Fuerte

New Street Fighter IV character revealed

Thanks to [Via Kotaku], we can now use our eyes on another brand new Street Fighter IV character. A, Lucha Libre wrestler known as El Fuerte. That's about all we know for now, but enjoy the picture. He looks pretty cool. As the last new guy that had Read More…



Momma I'm Coming Home...

Momma I’m Coming Home…

Viacom withdraws 'Guitar' suit Just goes to show you that when things look down, something good comes along to pick ya back up. And for any PS3 owner, here is a good one for ya. It looks that Sony is sending out e-mails to people who have registered Read More…



Gaming In Bed

Sex Losing Popularity

Sex is only the 10th most popular bedtime activity, says survey So after reading a few things on the Forums today I decided to post about this here. Here is a study that was done out of the UK on what goes on in the bed. Sex hit the bottom of the te Read More…



DualShock 3

Slash Through Amazon And Save 5 Bucks Is Taking Pre-Orders For DualShock 3 Ok, so it is well know that the DualShock 3 Controller is due to drop on the 15th of April. If it wasn't, then here is your heads up about the release of the controller. Now you may be thinking, well i Read More…



Ice Cream Zombie

The 26 Best Zombies of All Time

I personally hate the top ten lists that float around but when you have a top 26 list and put some effort into the article I will love it. Well, did just that so they are being talked about on many sites as of late. I find the list to b Read More…



Wii Decal

For You Nintendo Fans

The 3D Mario Wii Case Ok, I know we got a load of fans for the Nintendo here. Hell I am too, but not as much as this person. I mean, I just went to and ordered my Skull Case cover for mine. I just wish that I was half as talented as th Read More…



The Little Gamer Girl

We’re In Ur Tree Fort…..

A recent survey done by the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) boasts that a staggering 38% of all gamers are female! Spending an average 7 hours a week playing games. According to, 30% of all online gamers are women, with the catagory Read More…




Release Date for POSTAL Movie: May 23, 2008

Press release from Vince Desi from the upcoming Postal movie. I for one will be happy to watch this movie! Tucson, AZ: After a year of touring the world via film festivals and preview screenings, the film version of Running With Scissors&r Read More…



TramaPWN = Who Is With Me!

Petition Against Trademarking “Pwnage”

As we all have heard Futuremark Game Studios recently requested to have pwnage trademarked and the gaming indusrty was fuming. Recently a petiton came to my attention and I urge all of you who disagree with the trademarking of this typo turned cultur Read More…



Giant Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Disc Issues

As we all know, Super Smash Bros. Brawl recently released in North America and hundreds to thousands of Smash Bros fans waited eagerly outside of their local GameStop’s to get themselves their copy. When they got home and threw their SSBB disc Read More…



Chuck Norris

Happy Birthday Chuck Norris

Happy Birthday Chuck Norris. I have some awesome Chuck Norris Birthday words for you from all over the web. They will tell you how feels for you Chuck. There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control Read More…



Smash Brothers Brawl

UFC Nintendo Style Continues

My Experience At The Gamestop Release. Yes, I know there were a few about this already here, but this is an actual event that I thought needed to be out there. So please bare with me, it is a fun story that needs telling. So myself and a friend of Read More…





Red Orchestra

Mare Nostrum

Sandstorm Productions, the team developing Mare Nostrum, the mod for Tripwire Interactive’s Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 released the first open Beta of the mod 1st March 2008 – and has already responded to the player feedback by releasi Read More…

