Category Archives: Gaming

A Great Day In Video Game Land

A Great Day In Video Game Land

My favorite site besides has a awesome story about the New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D) was apparently known as Client 9 to an upscale prostitution ring. Spitzer was opposed to violent video games like Hitman: Codename 47.  The irony an Read More…



The Orange Box

The Orange Box: 100 Awards And Counting

We just got a awesome press release from Doug from Valve showcasing the 100 "Awards & Counting" The Orange Box is recieving. "March 10, 2008 - The 2007 award season is coming to a close and The Orange Box - the unique multiplatform, multi Read More…




The Garage Opens Up

GarageGames Places Into Open Beta So I have been puttering around on this since it was in Closed Beta. Now I bet you are wondering,"Hades, what is InstantAction?" Well here's what I got for ya. It is a website that uses a mixture o Read More…



FC Twin

FC Twin: Almost Perfect

FC Twin: Almost Perfect for Classic Gamers. The FC Twin is a video gaming system by Famiclone that allows you to play Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The FC Twin has separate circuitry and card slots allowing i Read More…



Nintendo DS Lite Pink

The Nintendo DS and YOU!

When browsing through the various console sections at the local Best Buy, a gamer is likely to pass up the Nintendo DS, chalking it up to child's play given the exorbitant amount of games based on children's movies for the system. And after all, wh Read More…



Zerg from Startcraft II


Information on the Zerg from Startcraft II Starcraft is another one of those games that is anticipated in the coming times. I've been looking forward to it ever since I saw it at the blizzard booth at Comic-Con 2007. I know I'm chomping at the bit t Read More…



Frag Dominant

Frag Dominat Press Release

Frag Dominant, a professional gaming organization founded in November of 2006, has been making a big dent in the world of eSports over the last year and gathering resounding support along the way. With paramount divisions in every major title from Co Read More…



Andy Radio Interview 8pm EST Sunday Night

Andy Radio Interview 8pm EST Sunday Night

PWNED RADIO Sunday's 8PM-10PM EST 97.1FM/1270A is proud to announce Andy (PWNED) and Aaron (BlueWolf72) will be live on the PWNED RADIO SHOW. This Sunday March 9th 2008 - 8PM - 10PM EST If you want to tune in and chat with the show and show some a Read More…



Smash Brothers Brawl & GameStop Brawl Action

So with all the hooooooooopla going on about the Smash Brothers Brawl I thought I would step outside and see if there were any hot chicks. Angela is in love with all the guys except me so I figured I try to find some hot mommas who love to "BRAWL". A Read More…



Hurray For National Drinking Day

Hurray For National Drinking Day

Free Dropkick Murphys on GHIII So, if you have no bar hopping plans for National Drinking Day, grab some buddies and have an impromptu party at your place and celebrate with a pint and play some Guitar Hero. We Do Not Condone Underage Drinking. To a Read More…



Everything Is So....Bluuuuuuu...

Everything Is So….Bluuuuuuu…

Sony Is In Talk About Blu-Ray For Other Machines So after the striking blow to HD-DVD Drive, from Toshiba and backed up with Circuit City, Sony looks like they are trying to help spread their tech out there. Like before, they are talking about makin Read More…



Half-Life 2 Mod: Die in Pain, Rest in Peace Release

Half-Life 2 Mod: Die in Pain, Rest in Peace Release

The unique and highly addictive Die in Pain, Rest in Peace team has posted up a profile on The team has released their first version (a demo of things to come) to the eagerly awaiting public. So if you have Steam and Half-Life2 this is on Read More…



Tall Hair & Eye Popin Guinness World Records

Gather & Guinness World Records

Tall Hair & Eye Popin Guinness World Records Ubisoft invite you to take part in the first ever Guinness World Records multiplayer marathon gaming attempt London, England, March 7th 2008 - Ubisoft and the Guinness World Records are proud to announce Read More…



Help Save A Life

Warming The Cockles Of The Kidney?

Halo 3 Charity Tournament To Help A Fellow Gamer Not really much to say about this except for the background on what is going on. It is nice to see gaming promote a good cause, To Save A Life. What is going on is one the members of the site is in ne Read More…



Top 50 Developers

Top 50 Developers

50 Girlz or 50 Games So you have a choice, you can play the top 50 games from the top game developers or have a blind date from a 50FT Girlz. All seriousness, the Top 50 Developers' Countdown on Game Developer Research offers a "ranking of the Read More…

