Category Archives: Gaming

Quantum Of Solace — Logo

Review — Quantum Of Solace

The latest James Bond adventure is actually fun As evidenced in previous James Bond video games, it’s a pure rush of adrenaline to step into the shoes of the debonair agent. From GoldenEye to Everything or Nothing, the Bond games have usually been Read More…



Dead Space — Logo

Dead Space DLC

Space just got a little…deader It seems like all I can talk about these days is downloadable content and alternate skins and EA is going to keep me talking for a little while longer with their DLC release for Dead Space. A variety of downloadable Read More…



Prince Of Persia — Logo

Prince Of Persia Skins

Prince Of Persia With a little under two weeks until the release of Prince Of Persia on the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360, Ubisoft has announced several alternate skins that will be available for the game. The first two revealed are Altair from Assassin’s Read More…



A-KON 19 to break World Record…

Well as many of us know, I'm a regular at the Dallas based anime convention A-kon. A-Kon, for those of you who don't know, is also the lonest running Anime Convention in America. It's one of the largest too. Recently the people over at A-KON anounced Read More…



Game Crazy

Game Crazy Holding Fundraiser For Ill Children

This month Game Crazy will be offering "Game Stars" for a minimum donation of $1. All the proceeds will go to the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation. Game Crazy will also match all customer donations with hopes of raising enough funds to prov Read More…



Cyberathlete Professional League

Older Professional Gamer League Closes Its Doors

It's sad, but true, the Cyberathlete Professional League has announced that they will be closing the league. CPL has been around and popular since 1997, but the showy World Series of Video Games and CGS have taken a toll on CPL. All events that were Read More…



Metal Gear

Hopefully Uwe Boll Doesn’t Touch It

Metal Gear Movie Like the title says, lets try to keep it hush hush from him. We don't need him taking this and turning out crap with it. So far he doesn't score to well with Game movies. But that is not the point of this little snippet of informati Read More…






NPD Announces: COD4 Sales Number Pwns!

NPD Announces: COD4 Sales Number Pwns! Call Of Duty by Infinity Ward for Xbox 360 pwns this month’s NPD group in Games sales. This multiplatform game went up against several notable debuts this month and still came out number one! Call Of Read More…



Mad Max: The Game

The Road Warrior Said It, So It Must Be True

George Miller, Cory Barlog Working On Mad Max Game Maybe it is just me, but I think this is awesome. Mad Max the game. I mean come on. If you haven't seen the film, I recommend picking it up for at least a rent. NetFlix == Friend. For those who do k Read More…



Hurray For National Drinking Day

Guitar Hero III Tracks Available For Free!

Free is something that all gamers love and can appreciate. To celebrate St. Patricks day, Activision is offering the Dropkick Murphy's track pack. The track pack includes the following songs: Famous for Nothing Flannigan's Ball Johnny, I Hard Read More…



Two Worlds

Two Worlds Gets Expanded

SouthPeak Games has announced that the first of two downloadable content expansions for Two Worlds is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace for the Xbox 360. The expansion is titled Tainted Blood and is 600 MS points. "This pack of downloadable con Read More…




Totally Unreal

Unreal Engine 4 Targeting Consoles As I am sure a lot of you are, you have seen or played with the Unreal 3 Engine. I know I got overly excited when I first saw it back in my college days, not too long ago but still. Needless to say, but I'm still g Read More…



FPS Doug

Interview with Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner

Recently I contacted Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner on Myspace to tell him about and he seemed very impressed with the site. For those of you who do not know who “FPS Doug” is, shame on you. Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner is an actor who al Read More…



Harmonix vs. Activision

Sue Is The New Fad

Viacom withdraws 'Guitar' suit I thought that this was all handled and now here it kind of goes again. I'm talking about the Harmonix vs. Activision thing in case you are actually reading this before clicking the link. It looks like this time around Read More…

