Ghostrunner — Key Art

Review — Ghostrunner

We sit down and review Ghostrunner. A new platforming and parkour title in the realm of the Cyberpunk style. Here is our review of Ghostrunner There are many titles coming out here in the cyberpunk style or genre, and here we go with another one call Read More…



Cyberpunk 2077 — No Save Point By Yankee & The Brave (Run The Jewels)

Add Another Song To The Growing Soundtrack For Cyberpunk 2077

Another in-game band for Cyberpunk 2077 is here with the real-world band making a video to help promote Cyberpunk 2077 just a bit more Just because we need more promotions for the biggest title release of the year, we have another for Cyberpunk 2077 Read More…



Mortal Kombat 11 — Rambo vs. Terminator

Mortal Kombat 11 Gives Us That Epic Rambo Vs. Terminator Fights Soon

New gameplay before the next-gen Mortal Kombat 11 drops is here to show how these two would kill each other in the Mortal Kombat world Here we go with one of the more epic fights that many would want and will be able to play in Mortal Kombat 11. That Read More…



This Week In Video Games

This Week In Video Games 11/9/20 — 11/13/20

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week This was the week so many gamers out there were waiting for and not just for the video games to hit. This was the PS5 and Read More…



Blood Bowl 3 — Announcement

Blood Bowl 3 Is Getting A Closed Beta Early In 2021

New is out there that Blood Bowl 3 will have a closed beta for fans to experience with various ways to access Blood Bowl 3’s beta too Earlier in the year, we had the announcement for Blood Bowl 3 to head out there to keep the insanity flowing. Spec Read More…



Underworld Dreams — Reveal Trailer

Underworld Dreams Is Offering Up Some New Lovecraft Horrors

A new horror title, Underworld Dreams, is announced and it looks like Underworld Dreams looks to offer up more in the Lovecraft mythos It sure does seem like there is a popularity recently when it comes to the Lovecraft mythologies and here we go wit Read More…



Assassin’s Creed Valhalla — Logo

Review — Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

We sit down and review Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. The assassin sage continues with us heading to the time of Vikings. Here is our review of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla The crazy saga continues as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is out there and ready f Read More…



Immortals Fenyx Rising — PS5 Gameplay

Immortals Fenyx Rising Gameplay Gives Us A Little More Of The World On The Next-Gen

New gameplay for Immortals Fenyx Rising is here to show off just how Immortals could look when it hits the PS5 Here we go with a little more for Immortals Fenyx Rising to get us all amped up for the title when it hits on December 3rd. As if Ubisoft d Read More…



Serious Sam Collection — Coming To Stadia

The Serious Sam Collection Will Be Sprinting Onto The Switch Soon

The Switch will soon have the Serious Sam Collection on it with the Serious Sam making a full run over there after successful collections in the past We can soon add the Switch to the growing number of systems that we will see the Serious Sam Collect Read More…

