This Week In Video Games

This Week In Video Games 11/12/19 — 11/15/19

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week We powered through one more week of video games and have finally made it to another weekend where we get to actually enjo Read More…



Terminator: Resistance — Announcement

Terminator: Resistance Marches Onward With A Lot Of Gameplay To Spot

The first fifteen-minutes of gameplay for Terminator: Resistance is out there to show off how this Terminator looks and feels for the masses The time has come for Terminator: Resistance to drop on us like the machines from the sky that are in there. Read More…



Bee Simulator — Launch Trailer

Discover The World Through The Eyes Of A Bee With Bee Simulator Now

The swarm is out there with Bee Simulator, as it has launched and we get to see more of Bee Simulator in action to entice us to join in It feels like there might not be much buzz out there, but here we are with another simulation game launching as Be Read More…



Mortal Kombat 11 — Sindel

The Scream Queen Is Almost Here In Mortal Kombat 11

The first gameplay for Sindel in Mortal Kombat 11 is here to show us just how this Queen will be destroying all in the massive Mortal Kombat We all knew she was coming, but now we have a chance to see just how Sindel will mix it up in Mortal Kombat 1 Read More…



Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 — PDXCON Recap

Here Is What PDXCON Revealed For Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2

There was more shown off for Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines 2 during PDXCON and we have the recap for us all to better understand Bloodlines 2 more Not everyone out there was able to head out to PDXCON recently, which means that many of us mi Read More…



Wolfenstein: Youngblood — Treasure Hunt

Wolfenstein: Youngblood Has More Hidden Treasures Added In

The biggest update for Wolfenstein: Youngblood is here to add in some new maps and enemies for Wolfenstein: Youngblood to keep it fresh If you have been looking for more to do in Wolfenstein: Youngblood, then your wait is now over as we have one more Read More…

