Author Archives: Hades

This Week In Video Games 1/8/24 — 1/12/24

This Week In Video Games 1/8/24 — 1/12/24

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week We are wrapping up another week of gaming and video games with a bunch of other elements going on here. Mostly with the g Read More…

Tekken 8 — The Story So Far

Let Us All Get Caught Up On The Story So Far For Tekken 8

Get refreshed on the story so far for the Tekken line before the full launch of Tekken 8 out there soon To say that Tekken has had a simple story this whole time, would be a very huge misunderstanding. It does and it does not. Huge fans of the IP wou Read More…