Category Archives: Uncategorized

VGL Rocks Again

VIDEO GAMES LIVE ALBUM DEBUTS AT #10 ON THE BILLBOARD CHARTS! So I was going to write another review on the Comic Con Video Games Live show, but I saw this and thought this was a better way to say how cool it was. I will point out that it is a diffe Read More…



Something For The Cranky Dwarf In All Of Us

American McGee's Grimm: A Boy Learns What Fear Is I know I like free stuff. I also like vidja games. What could be better than Free Vidja Games? Right? Well I guess ones about a twisted version of the fairy tales we all grew to love. Even though the Read More…



Trophies For Another Game

PixelJunk Eden: Oh Glorious Gardens...and Did We Mention Trophies? So it looks like last night on the PSBlog, a little bit was posted on the new PSN game PixelJunk Eden. To be perfectly honest, I haven't tried the first version of this game and most Read More…



Sum Up Of E3 Under 6 Minutes

Zero Punctuation Take On E3 Since I am a man of my word and like to tell you all about things that most of you probably know about, I'll be hitting this up as they get updated as well. The quick and dirty of it, is this guy does some great reviews a Read More…



Is Activision Blizzard canning games?

The newly formed duo of Activision Blizzard has presented there schedule of releases. While many titles were mentioned, several highly publicized games received none whatsoever. Terminal Reality, 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand and most notably: Ghostbust Read More…



WoW And The Real Life

The Guild: DVD Being a man of my word *best Joker Impression*, on two fronts, I had to post something about this great Web series as well as their new DVD on sale at Comic Con, or you can get as of 8/1. First, I got asked by people here to make sure Read More…



Gears of War 2: Linked Achievements

In Gears of War 2 news, the people of Epic seem to really understand their audience. Epic loves us for exactly what we are, a bunch of achievement whores. Now while some people may be above spending time going through games solely to raise their ga Read More…



Set Phasers To MMO

Star Trek Online So I frequent the Cryptic Studios stuff now and again, forums and booths at conventions. Hell, on Saturday, I even went to their VIP party for City of Heroes players and Devs. Please don't ask how it was. But this was something that Read More…



They Are Arising

Rise Of The Argonauts First let me thank Mythicgriffon for hooking up this video as well as being there when we did our own little interview with this same guy. He was very knowledgeable about a lot of things and nice enough to entertain us for abou Read More…




More On Dead Space I will apologize now if my next few news articles come straight out of Comic-Con 2008 or tie ins. I was way to busy to keep things up to date while I was there, but I will do my best to get it all out there in my personal Blogs an Read More…



Degenerating From Comic Con

New RE:D Trailer So this was one of the coolest things I got to see while at Comic-Con this year. It is quite a bit more of the new Resident Evil movie that they are doing. Unfortunately, it is a "Pirated" video that someone took. I was actually sit Read More…



Warhammer Online Beginning to Look a Bit Grim

The beta for Warhammer Online is beginning to look a little grim; with major content cutbacks that will affect the release I'm sure. This month Warhammer online took out FOUR major cities and FOUR classes... that is BIG. Warhammer Online is th Read More…





Guilty Gear 2: Overture

Guilty Gear has always been one of my favorite series of fighter games because it greatly impairs our oh-so-beloved button mashers from pwning ass. Take Soul Calibur II for instance: when playing as Rafael, by repeatedly pushing one button, Rafael wi Read More…



Microsoft Opening XBL For Users To Create Own Games

Think you have what it takes to build your own game for Xbox Live, and can do better than what is out there now?  Well now you can, as Microsoft has announced that XNA Game Studio software will be made available to gamers who yearn to create the Read More…

