Category Archives: Microsoft

This Week In Video Games

This Week In Video Games 7/25/16 — 7/29/16

A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here's a recap of what we covered in the world of video games We missed out on the recap of video games last week due to all of the insanity of SDCC but we are back this week. Things just always seem to ge Read More…



Mafia 3 — Cassandra - The Voodoo Queen

Let’s Settle The Score For Mafia 3’s Voodoo Queen

A new video series for Mafia 3 has begun and each looks to let us get to know the lieutenants of Mafia 3 we will be working with and appeasing Way back in June we were properly introduced to the lieutenants that we will be in control of in Mafia 3 w Read More…





PS Plus And Xbox Video Games With Gold — August 2016

Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming August 2016

The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in August has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with August and that means new video games that we are going Read More…



Dead Rising 4 — Return To Willamette

It’s Time To Return To Willamette In Dead Rising 4

A new behind the scenes video for Dead Rising 4 has been released and it shows off just how Dead Rising 4 is going back to the franchise's roots If you were looking for more for Dead Rising 4 than the little bit of a tease we had at E3 then you don' Read More…









Watch Dogs 2 — Meet Marcus & DedSec

Get To Know Your Anti-Heroes Of Watch Dogs 2

Another behind the scenes for Watch Dogs 2 has been released and this time we get to meet the main cast of Watch Dogs 2 in person and in their virtual world We've had a whole lot of Watch Dogs 2 stuff come out since the initial announcement and then Read More…



Injustice 2 — Wonder Woman And Blue Beetle

Two More Fighters Have Been Shown Off For Injustice 2

At SDCC Injustice 2 received two more characters into the mix with a classic character and a new one just for Injustice 2 fitting into the story Given that SDCC is all about the comic books, or at least should be, it makes it the fitting place to se Read More…



South Park: The Fractured But Whole — Go Behind the Scenes with Trey and Matt

Rip One In Time For South Park: The Fractured But Whole

A new behind the scenes video for South Park: The Fractured But Whole was revealed at SDCC during the big South Park anniversary panel and it has just that extra spice This was the year of the 20th season of South Park and as part of the big celebra Read More…



Evolve Stage 2 — Electro Griffin

Evolve Stage 2 Is Bring Us Electro Griffin… Boogaloo

A new-ish character is coming to Evolve Stage 2 as one of the original hunters from Evolve is getting a solid makeover for you to earn up to That didn't take too long for the new Evolve to get yet another character update added into the mix. It look Read More…



Hitman — Summer Bonus Episode

Hitman’s World Of Assassination Expands For The Summer

Two new mini-episodes for Hitman have been added into the mix to expand the world of Hitman just a bit more for the summer It was certainly looking like we were going to be getting a new episode of Hitman each month since its launch as we have since Read More…





Minecraft: Story Mode — A Portal To Mystery

Review — Minecraft: Story Mode — A Portal To Mystery

We sit down and review Minecraft: Story Mode — A Portal To Mystery. This is the sixth episode of Telltale's take on Mojang's famed franchise. Here's our review on how they did The story continues for Minecraft: Story Mode as we have the first epis Read More…

