A new ‘How To Hitman’ video is here to show us how to get into the assassin’s mindset and use the new features of Hitman 2 to our advantage
More for Hitman 2 has stalked its way out into the open to give us another look at some of the updates coming to the game to place us in that assassin’s mindset we will need to always be in when we are playing. At least in the fictional way as I am sure that IO Interactive is not trying to raise a whole lot of contract killers out there. It is already a dark world that we live in here and we do not need Hitman to bleed over. At least in general…
That all said, we have another look at some of the new features coming to Hitman 2 on November 13th that will make Agent 47 seem like a true assassin out there. Cameras will be back, but in this case, they will do more than just leave evidence behind when you finish the mission. They can do what cameras are supposed to do and alert others to your presence. That is why we now have the ability to see their exact recording grid when moving about the world so we can better avoid them and also know exactly what was recorded in the game. There is no word on if we will need to destroy it like we did in the past Hitman game though.
Another interesting thing joining in for Hitman 2 is a new picture-in-picture mechanic that will let you better understand what you did wrong in the game. If you think back to other titles in the franchise, we were only alerted that bodies were found or something suspicious was detected. Now we will be able to see everything that led up to the detection so we can better plan in the future when we replay the mission again. It is a nice feature to see here for Hitman 2, but it will also be nice to be able to deactivate them all so you can get the true feel for it all. You know, force you to try and think back on what you did wrong instead of just showing you.
Hitman 2 — How To Hitman (Assassin’s Mindset)
Put yourself in the mind of an assassin and remain undetected with Hitman 2’s all-new stealth innovations.
Are you in the mindset of the assassin more now for Hitman 2 or were these just options we have been needing n the franchise? Do you like seeing what you did wrong in the mission or do you prefer to think back on it to try to figure it all out on your own? Do you think we will have the option to deactivate these features or will they be ever-present in the game in the guise of helping us more? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If we have more for Hitman 2, we will share it all here for you. Be sure to keep checking in to be able to see and hear it all.