There is going to be another demo for the Resident Evil 2 Remake here soon and we will only get to try and experience this part of Resident Evil 2 once
I am not sure how many gamers are out there on the fence about the Resident Evil 2 Remake and giving it a go, but if you are one of those games you are going to get one chance to do that. Capcom is putting a demo out there for all PS4, Xbox One, and PC owners who want to give the game a play before January 25th when the full game launches. The only thing is, for this Resident Evil 2 demo there is a catch. You can only play it once. Once and you have to do so in thirty minutes or less. That seems a bit odd, but that is how it is for now.
To be honest, all of that is a bit misleading as well as this Resident Evil 2 1-shot demo is not specifically a 1-shot. You only get the mentioned thirty minutes to play and try to beat the mission, but if you die or beat it before the time is up, you can play again. The 1-shot only seems to come in when the time is up and nowhere else. Can we truly call it a 1-shot at that point as you can play it multiple times? Maybe, I guess. Either way, you can pick up this Resident Evil 2 demo starting January 11th and until January 31st. After then your option is to play the full game.
Resident Evil 2 Remake — 1-Shot Demo
Horror fans around the world will get an intense sneak peek at Capcom’s hotly anticipated title Resident Evil 2 Remake before its launch with a special demo event starting this week for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC players via Steam. Available to download for a limited time from Jan. 11 to Jan. 31, this will be the first opportunity for fans to experience the completely reimagined horror classic from home.
Aptly named the “1-Shot Demo,” players must take on the challenge of surviving the horrors of Raccoon City in just 30 minutes. If players complete the mission objective under 30 minutes, they can restart the mission until they use up their full time. If players succumb to the zombies during their 30 minutes, they can continue any number of times until the full 30 minutes have been reached.
The end of the demo reveals a brand new cinematic trailer exclusive to demo participants. While players cannot restart the playable demo after their time is up, there are no limitations on how many times the trailer can be viewed.
In the “1-Shot demo,” players step into the boots of rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy as he arrives at Raccoon City Police Station in the ultimate worst first day on the job. Leon must survive vicious zombies and solve puzzles to find safe passage out of the station. With an entire building of flesh-eating nightmares lurking between Leon and his escape while the clock ticks down, players need to be sure they’re killing more than just time.
Will you be giving this demo for Resident Evil 2 a chance or will you be going in blind when the game finally launches? Do you think this should be called a 1-shot given that you can replay it if you are good at the game? How long until we see the “exclusive” trailer online without the need to play the demo? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on the Resident Evil 2 Remake, keep coming back here. We will have all of those updates for you as soon as they go live.