New gameplay for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus has dropped with more tension & we have a look at Wolfenstein II’s Season Pass
I hope you are ready for another massive drop of footage and fun for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. I know I am and that is just about what Machine Games has given us all over the place with a lot of new gameplay and the announcement of a Season Pass worth of DLC that we can pick up now in preparation for the October 27th release on the PC, Xbox One, and PS4. To top even more of the fun off for Wolfenstein II we even have a massive amount of gameplay that looks to show off a good portion of the first mission in the game and just how it all picks up right after the last title Bethesda brought us. Like I said, all kinds of fun and good stuff to look at and dissect out there.
First up on the docket for Wolfenstein II is a better look at a scene that was only teased in the announcement trailer and a few little smaller ones. The scene where BJ is in a soda shop and a Nazi walks in to take a seat and have a milkshake. If you don’t remember, then get ready to see it all fresh. While it isn’t the most exciting bit of gameplay out there for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, it does show that those high tensions scenes and sequences from the last iteration will be back as it is hard to tell if the soldier is just messing with us or going about his business. It keeps leading to the point where you don’t know and is just what we should expect to be peppered in the final game.
Have a look at it though. I will question why all of the bad “papers” in Wolfenstein constantly use John Smith as the alias, as there are only so many of them in the world and in the same location, but maybe that is all just part of the charm the game wants to bring. Anyways, do enjoy.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — Strawberry Milkshake
Mmm, the strawberry milkshake. A delicious summer treat so refreshing, it’s considered to be a “favorite American thing” to one particular Nazi Kommandant, who decided to pick one up at a local diner in Roswell, New Mexico. Unfortunately, BJ Blazkowicz just happens to be at that same diner, leading to a very tense encounter.
Now if that got your blood pumping, then get ready to let it simmer down a bit as it looks like we now have a look at the Season Pass for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus that Bethesda wants to push out. It is up for pre-order now, as well as the main game, for $29.99 USD and it looks to include three more stories to the full title post launch. The twist, each of these stories look to be surrounded by characters that are not Terror-Billy here. Pretty much, while he is off doing his thing, others of the resistance are out there doing their thing as well and these will be the stories of them. We can’t have just one here out there and now we have a few more; as long as you pick up the Season Pass that is.
The Freedom Chronicles, as they are called, will have a former pro-quarterback, an ex-OSS assassin, and a renowned army captain fighting their own war out there in various location in the world. From Chicago, to San Andreas, to and Alaskan Nazi controlled base; we will be all over playing with these characters and trying to free the world from their terrible control. Kind of cool little extra if you ask me.
The time has come to once again refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Nazis have overrun the world, and while BJ Blazkowicz is busy igniting a new revolution in America, other freedom fighters are waging war on their own fronts. Soon you can step into the brave soles of a former football player, an assassin and an Army captain, and battle to restore the soul of America in Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles. Starring a trio of larger-than-life heroes, The Freedom Chronicles includes three DLC packs:
- The Adventures Of Gunslinger Joe — As former professional quarterback Joseph Stallion, smash through Nazi hordes from the ruins of Chicago to the vastness of space!
- The Diaries Of Agent Silent Death — As ex-OSS agent and assassin Jessica Valiant, infiltrate Nazi bunkers in California and discover the secrets of Operation San Andreas!
- The Amazing Deeds Of Captain Wilkins — As the US Army’s renowned hero Captain Gerald Wilkins, embark on a mission to Nazi-controlled Alaska to dismantle Operation Black Sun!
Last in the pipe here is a bunch of new footage for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus in terms of the first mission in the game. The whole first mission as we get to see just how this game will be picking up from the last and how some of that wheelchair combat is going to play out. If you don’t want to get spoiled for any of the game then you may want to skip this as it does look like Machine Games is going hard and fast right out the gate and we are not getting a silent mission here at all. If you do want to ruin the start of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus though, have at it as it is almost a half-hour of gameplay to take in and it will get that blood boiling back up again.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — 24 Minutes Of Gameplay
Check out the first mission from Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, it’s packed with guns, nazis, and our good pal Willy Blazkowicz doing what he does best!
What are your thoughts on Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus bringing back those high-tension scene in the story as we saw here? Do you think that the DLC characters will show up in the main story here or will they be only for the DLC? Do you think that the wheelchair combat is going to be as fun as it looks here or will it be a hindrance given the limited mobility seen? Let us and the world know your thoughts and then feel free to discuss it all down in the comments. As we see and hear more for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus though, we will have it up on the site for you. Be sure to keep checking in so you can see and experience it all.