The release date for Maize has been set and we also have a look at another character joining us in Maize with Vladdy
With all of the serious titles coming out here in the next few months it is nice to see something like Maize finally get its time in the sun as it is poised to release on December 1st now. It’s been a while since Finish Line Games first showed off anything for the game and now we are set to see it hit the light of day. Originally it was stated as Harvest of 2016 but since the harvest has come and gone it looks like Maize is settling in for a solid Winter release instead. And all for the Windows PC via Steam at that. Let’s make sure we keep a little coin in there for the game come that day; or at least have it on our wish lists…
I keep talking about Maize like you know what it is and have been following it since day one here. That’s most likely not the case but that doesn’t need to un-sell you on the game. Maize is a first-person adventure game that will have us searching through an abandoned farm that sits on top of a not-so-abandoned research facility. We will solve puzzles and uncover secrets as to why two scientists opted to create sentient corn and cause all of this weirdness. Apparently that is the least odd thing about the game according to Finish Line Games. I guess we’ll have to wait and see now that it is only a month out from launch.
Or we could skip some of the waiting and just check out the oddness of Maize as we meet another character in the game that we’ll be interacting with. Here’s Vladdy. A grumpy Russian robot bear. You read that correctly. We were warned about all of this and now you can check Vladdy out just below in the latest trailer for Maize. I know this year could use some more levity and I think we may have found it a bit.
Maize — Meet Vladdy
What would happen if stalks of corn could walk? Talk? Crack jokes? You probably never considered it before, but now you’re starting to, aren’t you? Discover the answer, and get an earful of puns soon, as today Finish Line Games is happy to announce that Maize, an absurdist first person puzzler adventure with a corny twist, will be launching on Steam and the Humble Store on December 1st, 2016!
Explore the winding cornfields of Maize for clues, venture your way into the super secret research bunker beneath the desolate farmstead, meet a colourful cast of characters along the way, including silly sentient corn stalks, a grumpy Russian robot bear, and two scientists who maybe shouldn’t be scientists.
What do you think about Maize now that you’ve been given the rundown a bit more? Do you think it is going to be on the far-side of funny or will it bring us back down from the serious year we’ve all had? What role do you think that Vladdy will have in the final game here? Let us know your thoughts on it all and discuss in the comments below. As more on Maize is released, we will have it up on the site. Be sure to be on the lookout for all of that as it comes as I’m guessing it will be coming soon if it does.