Have a look at Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode so you can get ready for the Battle Royale when it hits this Call Of Duty title
Well, we finally have a look at the mode that some have been waiting for in Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 and some have been eye-rolling over. Here we go with Blackout, Treyarch‘s version of a Battle Royale mode in the game so that they can help Activision get into that game now. It is what the world needs. You know, another Battle Royale mode and this time in the Call Of Duty setting. Just another of the multiplayer modes hitting the game when it drops on October 12th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. That is if you can take the time away from the multiple other modes that will be the core of the game.
You can see a small bit of it just below, and it looks more or less like a Call Of Duty game, but it is the new Blackout mode that we have heard a whole lot about already. If you cannot wait to actually get to play this mode after seeing it though, it will be available for us to join in on this September 10th. That is when it will be added to the beta that is going on here so we can help them tailor this Call Of Duty to how we want it. As long as it is not too late for them to actually do this and the beta here is not just a fancy demo to keep us all hooked.
Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 — Blackout Battle Royale
This is Blackout.
Fight through classic Black Ops locales while playing as some of your favorite characters from across the series. Drop into the action in a wingsuit, and take command of land, sea and air vehicles in this last-player-standing experience celebrating the Black Ops series in an unprecedented way, all on the biggest map in Call Of Duty franchise history.
What do you think about the Blackout mode here for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 as it stands? Does it look like the mode you have been waiting for to come to the franchise or will it look and feel like everything we have already experienced? Do you think that we will be able to actually shape the mode in the beta or will it be more or less number tweaks without much else changing along the way? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4, keep checking back in on the site here. We will keep all of the updates coming at you as best we can.