We Could Be Getting A New Single-Player Conan Game Now

Conan Exiles — Screenshot

The company that brought us Conan Exiles has let slip that they are in the very early stages of a new single-player Conan title

Here we go with some exciting news as it looks like Funcom will be starting work on a new Conan IP in the near future. This would be the same company that just brought us the open world survival version of the franchise. Maybe you have heard of Conan Exiles? That would be the title that hit the PC, Xbox One, and PC that brought the franchise back into some extra level of popularity. Now it looks like they are moving forward with it and giving us just a bit more but with less of an open world side of things. At least in terms of requiring multiplayer as an MMO does.

All of this comes out of the most recent financial report where the company listed that their Oslo branch was heading into pre-production of a single-player Conan IP. You can see the snippet and full report down below. That is about where it all ends for now, sadly. At least we can all sit pretty knowing we will have more Conan The Barbarian in our lives. All while looking forward to a single-player version of it all. Maybe that means we will get more of the hero fantasy of it all besides the basic stuff we have had in the recent titles.

2018 Third Quarter Financial Report

3.5 Future internal games:

  • Funcom North Carolina
    • A game in the “Cooperative online shooter” genre with a Premium business model using an IP from Heroic Signatures that isn’t Conan
    • The game is in full production
  • Funcom Oslo
    • A single player Conan IP game is in pre-production
    • A new open-world multiplayer game is in early concepting stage, to enter preproduction in 1Q19

Have you been hoping for a single-player Conan title for a while now or would you rather have the multiplayer version? Do you think that it will play out a bit more like God Of War or will it mark its own territory in the long run? What would you like to see out of this game when it is all done? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. For more Conan news and updates, be sure to keep checking back in here. We will try to have them all.

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