More gameplay for Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden is here to show us what we may have missed for Mutant Year Zero out of Gamescom this year
It is almost as if The Bearded Ladies have way too much gameplay to give us for Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden as we are back yet again with another twenty new minutes of it. At least twenty new minutes of it if you did not get to go to Gamescom and give this new map a try. This is the Sea Titans map in Mutant Year Zero and it shows us just how tactical we will need to be to make it through the game or to just survive in general. From my past experiences, it was a rough one to just try and brute force your way through, even with a level and skill advantage over the enemies. Just be sure to take that as a note before December 4th when we will get to play the game on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
It is also worth noting that the team has been taking the feedback and critiques thrown out there for Mutant Year Zero as in this build I am seeing a lot of new features and changes that were not there during E3. If they were, they did not get as highlighted as you can see here. Case in point being the threat lines between enemies and the characters. It also looks like the probability notification is more prominent than before so you can truly make the best of tactics here. Even in its early form still, it looks to be shaping up into an amazing game here.
Have a look for yourself though. There does not seem to be much in terms of any true spoilers for Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden here, outside of seeing how the developers tackled the mission here. It is nice to see a few of the other abilities being used on both sides of the combat here. All of which would have made the earlier demo a lot easier if they were unlocked or available before. The excitement is only rising more now.
Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden — 20 Minutes Of Gameplay
Today, publisher Funcom and developer The Bearded Ladies, have released 20 minutes of new, unedited gameplay with developer commentary from Lead Designer Lee Varley and Producer Mark Parker.
Do you have any new thoughts on Mutant Year Zero after seeing all of this new footage to take in? Can you spot the updates and changes from the previous builds here or am I misremembering how things played out from before? How many other skills and abilities do you think we will get along the way in the game or will it be a set thing based on level and nothing more? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. If there is more to share for Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden, you know we will share it. All you need to do is keep coming back to see all of that in due time.