More gameplay for the Resident Evil 2 Remake is here to give us yet another look at how Resident Evil 2 is being remade from the ground up
It is time for more gameplay to hit us for the upcoming Resident Evil 2 Remake here and it looks like the team over at Capcom is delivering. At least for now. That said, we have a nice long bit of gameplay to take in and see how things have been upgraded and altered for Resident Evil 2 since it first hit us twenty years ago. It seriously does not seem that long ago, but the math says otherwise. We can ignore that for now and watch as we get another look at Claire going through RPD and trying to get out of the sticky situation she is placed in.
More or less, it is the same kind of gameplay we would have come to expect for the Resident Evil 2 Remake to date. Given that it has been updated to the RE7 game engine to handle things, it is going to look nice. It also looks to be using more of the RE4 gameplay controls when it comes to aiming and moving about. That and a few other things from other versions of the Resident Evil franchise mixed in to give us what the team originally wanted to do so long ago. That would be the assumption given that they are adding into the cutscenes and expanding on them as the technology was not able to let them do.
Have a look at it all down below and see if Capcom has made the changes to the game that you were expecting in a Resident Evil 2 Remake. I for one do enjoy seeing the change to the Lickers and making them blind in the game. It made sense given the creature design, but I am sure that 1998 technology did not truly allow for the AI to do just that. All I know now is that this is starting to look like another solid entry into the Resident Evil franchise. We will know for certain on January 25th…
— Licker Gameplay
Let’s play the Resident Evil 2 Remake! We get an extended look at the upcoming remake as Claire treads through the Raccoon City Police Department and avoids dangerous Lickers. Resident Evil 2 comes to PS4, Xbox One, and PC on January 25, 2019.
How are you feeling about the Resident Evil 2 Remake after seeing all of this? Do you think it was a hardware issue that caused the change in the AI we are getting or was it something that the team did not think of before? How much longer do you think the game will be now that we can fully work out scenes to tell stories instead of a few things and moving right along as we had before? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on this Resident Evil 2 Remake, be sure to keep locked into the site here. We will keep bringing you all of the updates that we can.