We have a release date for the next three fighters to join Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite and we also get to see them in action here for Marvel Vs Capcom
There is now a solid date to look at for when we will get the next batch of characters for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite as December 5th will mark the day that Black Widow, Winter Soldier, and Venom will officially join the ranks of the game. I am going to guess that the Capcom side of the character DLC will be somewhere in the near future, but for now, we get to focus on all of the fun Marvel characters joining right in. At least if there will be more DLC characters to fill in the other side of the Marvel Vs Capcom rift going on here. Time will tell if it is a viable thing on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC to do. For now though, here we go with these three all coming at us here soon.
It looks like both Black Widow and Winter Soldier are taking a bit more from the cinematic universe in style and actions here for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite. Bucky obviously is getting all of his ground and gun features one would expect from the character to keep his opponents bouncing all over the screen with little time to recover. Widow looks to be an up-close kind of character with all of the over-the-top acrobatics that really do not do much other than have her sliding all around the opponent’s body. Lastly, it looks like Venom will be going down the shapeshifting path for his moves and attacks in Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite. He can pretty much get to you no matter where you are on the screen and dish out all of the damage he wishes.
Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite — Winter Soldier, Black Widow, And Venom Gameplay
Winter Soldier, Black Widow, and Venom will infiltrate Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite on December 5th! Watch the action-packed gameplay trailer loaded with blazing guns, intricate gadgets, and a nefarious symbiote now.
Everyone who has the 2017 Character Pass will unlock Winter Soldier, Black Widow, and Venom on December 5th — along with the previously released Black Panther, Sigma, and Monster Hunter. The 2017 Character Pass also includes all six of these characters’ Premium Costumes.
Truth be told, Venom looks to be the best addition out of all of the DLC characters for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite here. He looks to have a good mix-up of moves and looks just as menacing as he should from the pages of the comics. At least that is my take on it all at this point and we will know for certain come December 5th. Although, it looks like Capcom is doing something nice for PlayStation Plus gamers to let them have a look at all of the characters before then as there will be a free demo of Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite from November 24th to the 27th so you can give the other characters a full trial and see if you want to pick up the game or the Character Pass if you already have the game. Not too shabby.
Are you glad to see the wait for these characters is almost over for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite? Do you think that there will be more to come or will this fill in the roster enough so that everyone can keep playing and the developer can move right along? Who is your pick for best fighter here out of the three we are about to get? Let us all know those thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. For more Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite news and updates, be sure to stick around here. We will have them all as they come or as things progress further.