It looks like The Division 2 is officially coming at us soon as we now have the announcement that The Division 2 is in the works and building from the past
Fans of The Division will be glad to see that after two years of fun they are finally going to be getting The Division 2. Yes, it has been announced and heading to us at some point and from Massive Entertainment again. There is no word on when, but know that The Division 2 is definitely coming and with an upgraded version of the Snowdrop engine and with all the lessons learned from the last two years of The Division. That is at least good to hear and not just another title being thrown out there by Ubisoft to cash in more. It looks like those lessons from all of their pasts have been learned with what they are delivering now.
Sadly, there is not much more on The Division 2 outside of the announcement and who is working on it. Thankfully we will not need to wait too long to get more on it as it has been announced that it will be shown off completely at E3 this year. Well, not completely, but in more detail, so we can see what we can look forward to and get truly excited for The Division 2 to finally land. That and what the new “Shields” achievements will bring from the current game to the new one. Only a few months of waiting now though. You can see a bit more on the announcement below, but it really does not give up much more.
An Announcement From Massive Entertainment On The Division 2
We’re thrilled to announce that we are working on Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, and that development will be led by Massive Entertainment in collaboration with Ubisoft Reflections, Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Bucharest. The Division 2 will be powered by an updated version of the Snowdrop engine that enables us to realize our ambitions for the sequel, but more importantly, we’re also taking everything we learned over the past two years and applying it towards the sequel to make sure we get it right.
Part of that means recognizing your commitment to The Division. With that in mind, we’re adding a new type of achievement called “Shields” to the game. Earning them will unlock special rewards in The Division 2 when it launches.
On behalf of all the teams at Ubisoft, we thank you for the support you’ve given us over the past two years, and we hope that our continued work will earn that support for many years to come. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store for The Division 2 at E3 2018 in June. See you then!
Are you excited to see that The Division 2 is going to be a thing or were you hoping for just more for the original game? What enhancements do you think will be coming with the new game that we did not get before? How do you think the bridge achievements between the two titles will actually work? Give us all your thoughts and ideas down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we get more for The Division 2, we will update the site with it all. Be sure to keep coming back to be sure to keep up to date on it all.