ToeJam & Earl Will Be Back In The Groove This Fall

ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove — Logo

After twenty-six year, ToeJam & Earl will finally be back and coming this Fall with their fourth title, ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove

It has been quite some time since ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove was funded and had work started on it. It has been delayed and moved around a bit, but HumaNature Studios has been still working on it and aiming to get it to us as soon as possible. It was pushed back when Adult Swim was poised to publish it, but now it looks like they are out and the team is going to be self-publishing this ToeJam & Earl title all on their own. This also means that we have a more secure release window of Fall of this year now. It looks like our dreams of having this franchise back on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC will be coming true sooner than we thought.

It is crazy to think that it has been almost twenty-seven years since the first ToeJam & Earl title came at us on the Sega Genesis and now we are going to be getting our fourth instalment of the franchise this year. It has been sixteen years since we had our last and the duo still has a pretty solid following looking to get back into the mix. Maybe it is not much of a surprise then that ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove is coming along nice and well. If only we had a solid date for the game, then I could be the full level of excited to get back into a franchise I grew up with and can now share with a younger generation.

ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove — Coming 2018

ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove, the upcoming fourth entry of the beloved, funkadelic action roguelike series, releases later this year on consoles and PC. Greg Johnson, founder, HumaNature Studios, has issued the following statement providing a more exact release window and an update on the developer’s relationship with Adult Swim Games.

“We ARE releasing this year!! Right now we have our sights set on a fall release. We will be making a specific release plan announcement in regards to dates as soon as we have that nailed down.

Going forward Adult Swim Games is no longer going to be our publisher. Instead, we are going back to self-publishing! Adult Swim Games has some other big titles they plan to launch this summer so when Back in the Groove pushed back, we both agreed that it made sense for them to hand us the reigns, rather than taking a chance on this getting pushed back any more. Also, I’d like to say how deeply grateful I and all of us here at HNS are to Adult Swim Games. We wouldn’t have gotten this game to this point without them…seriously. Thank You, Adult Swim!!

We are also going to be opening a closed beta within the next couple weeks for our early-access backers, and we’ll be looking for your feedback! Also, the Nintendo Switch version of the game is just about ready to be submitted for certification by Nintendo, and the other console versions are not too far behind. I’ll give you more details about all of this before this update is done.”

Where is your excitement level for ToeJam & Earl: Back In The Groove finally getting a narrowed release window here? Do you think it has been too long since it was first announced back in 2015 to garner the level of excitement we should all have or will it be another sleeper hit you will kick yourself over for missing out on? When in the mix of the other larger titles do you think it will actually release? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on ToeJam & Earl and when we have a solid release date, be sure to keep your eyes locked in here. We will have it all in short order, hopefully.

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