A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week
One more week of video games in the bag yet again. It was a rough week for us here but we still managed to get all kinds of news and updates out to you for our great hobby. There were a lot of big announcements to see and have out there as we had a new trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 and the fact that Shadow Of The Tomb Raider will be getting an optimization treatment for the PC version. There was also word that Rock Band 4 will be getting RBN again and we even got our final review of God Of War out there for those still on the fence. It took a bit but that was due to us wanting to play the whole game and not just a part so we could hit the review rush. All great things for video games in general.
Some of you may have noticed the site was down for a bit this week and we are sorry about that. We did keep the updates coming for those video games out there, but you had to wait just a little bit to finally get them all. Hopefully we will not see that issue again. That said, we have a lot more to come next week for many different video games out now or still to come. We also have a few more reviews to throw out to you. We are back up and running and keeping the steam going as best we can. Do enjoy it all.
As with every other week now here is our list of video games we were able to cover in the news for the week. Have fun reading through all of it and hopefully you will learn something you did not know before. Until next week, have fun with all of those video games and Happy Gaming All!
- Chernobylite Aims To Take Us Down A Darker Path For The Chernobyl Catastrophe
- The Karters Are Coming With An Official Release Date
- Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Is Getting Some Help For The PC Version
- Soulcalibur VI Is Bringing Taki Back Into The Mix
- The Forest Is Moving To A Full Release & Bringing VR With It
- Xbox & PlayStation Gamers Should Get Ready To Go Through The Woods
- Red Dead Redemption 2 Has Another New Trailer To Excite Us
- Everyone Has Their Strengths To Surviving In State Of Decay 2
- There Will Be Many Ways To End Your Agony Story
- The Vigor In Their Blood Is All We Need In Vampyr
- The Rock Band Network Will Be Making A Comeback For Rock Band 4 Soon
- The Desolation Of Mordor Is Coming Soon To Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War
- We Have More Of Beyond Good & Evil 2 In Motion Now
- A Lot Of Art & Skill Has Gone Into Detroit: Become Human
- Review — God Of War