A new cinematic trailer for Assassin’s Creed Origins is here and more or less it shows the general life & world of Assassin’s Creed Origins
Here we go with yet another trailer for Assassin’s Creed Origins here to give us more of a feel for the game. Sadly, this is all that this trailer does as it is all a cinematic trailer and does not dig deeper into much, but given that Ubisoft has given us so many bits of gameplay so far, it can be excused. It does give us another feel for how the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins is going feel as they dig deeper into the whole Egyptian culture here in the trailer. Just do not think you are going to get much more for that as we have already had so much before October 27th so far and need to keep some of the game hidden and ready for us to experience.
Like I said, there are a couple of really cool scenes here that show off the culture we are going to be experiencing in Assassin’s Creed Origins. There will be a lot of the usual tropes we all think of when it comes to Ancient Egypt but it also shows some of the basic world stuff that a lot of people do not even think about. Everyone in this world is not just here to be murdered left and right and some are just trying to do their thing. You know, the people in the Assassin’s Creed world we are supposed to be helping and keeping “free.”
Assassin’s Creed Origins — From Sand
Watch the Assassin’s Creed Origins Sand Cinematic Trailer and face a civilization on the brink of collapse.
Were you hoping that we would have had some more to see for Assassin’s Creed Origins besides just some fun we have here? Do you think that there was anything hidden in this trailer here or was it all just promotion to get us to buy the game before the release? Do you think that in this world we will get an explanation of the animated mummies or will they stay as the corpses they actually are. Give us all those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we get more for Assassin’s Creed Origins, we will have it all here for you. Keep checking in on the site to see it all.