New gameplay for A Way Out has been placed out there and it shows off a lot of different aspects of A Way Out that have yet to be discussed
In ten days (3/23/18) we will get the chance to sit down and play A Way Out with a friend online or on the couch. This we all should know by now. If not, then you need to get caught up on all of the fun that Hazelight Studios has been building up for and then see if it will get added into your PS4, Xbox One, or PC library. It is a bit of a hard sell for the game as A Way Out does require co-op all the time and only with people who are on your friends list, but after seeing some of the new gameplay we have today, it could be something more can open up to. Especially after seeing parts of the game that have not been shown to the public or truly discussed until now.
I know I am like many who did not get to see all the closed-door showings of A Way Out to preferred media outlets, which is why my excitement for the game has been on the lax side of things. This could be why we now have almost a half-hour of new gameplay showing off more of the game. That would be my guess as I do not usually just go by the words of others and want to pass judgment based on what I can see. I will let you dig into the nice long video that we do have here for A Way Out and then continue on after it all. I do have a few words to say about the game that you may agree with.
A Way Out — 28 Minutes Of Gameplay
A Way Out writer and director Josef Fares (who you may also remember from The Game Awards last year…) walks us through a few different sections of his upcoming narrative action-adventure.
After all of that I do have to say that A Way Out does have an insanely cinematic look and feel to it all. Given the studio and people making it, it makes sense. I know my hype levels for the game would have been even higher had I seen anything close to the hospital chase scene that was partially shown off here as it is truly amazing to see played. How well it all works on the controller side of things is still a question I have as it looks like it could be a bit jarring for the player shift to take over. That is unless the scene plays mostly out as a QTE thing and the player does not need to actually make the character run. Nonetheless, it is something that I cannot recall seeing in any game before now. At least where co-op is involved.
Given all of that, it still does not sit well with me that A Way Out is a co-op only title with no option at all for a solo play through. I get the mentality that the people over at Hazelight Studios are placing out there, but some of us do not have a constant stream of online friends that are available or willing to play a game like this. I know that given my personal schedule it is going to be hard to do just that. I am all for pushing the industry forward and trying new things, but the requirement part is still not sitting well with me. Sure, it will change up how everything plays out each time, but it does seem to limit gamers like myself who will have a hard time finding someone who can sit down and play A Way Out from start to end. I guess we will see.
How are you feeling about A Way Out after this nice long showing we just had? Are you shocked and awed at how that hospital chase scene played out or do you think it will take a few tries to get the transitions handled on our end? Do you agree that the co-op only thing will hurt the game in the long run or will it force people to ‘friend’ random players just so they can enjoy something they paid for? Let us know down in the comments and then discuss. If we get more for A Way Out before it launches, we will update you on the site. Just be sure to keep checking in so you do not miss a single update.