We are back to learn how to Hitman more with a video showing off the new and old tools we will use to kill in Hitman 2
We have seen and used a lot of weapons and items in the Hitman franchise so far and now we are back with more for the upcoming game. Obviously, we will have access to everything that IO Interactive has put out there before and possibly improved upon, but also a wealth of new ones. It makes sense as we move forward and now we have a quick look at a few more in the arsenal of Hitman 2. We will not get to see them all until November 13th when the game finally hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Even then, we may not as there are so many options and ways to kill someone in the game.
On top of all of this, it looks like we will see a new mechanic mixed in for Hitman 2 in the way of mirrors. They have been there before, but now it will be something we can actively use in the game to spot and stalk our prey. The NPCs will also be able to do the same thing so it is something we will need to be aware of at all times, but it is something cool to see implemented. No longer will we be able to “cheat” based on enemies not being able to do the same thing. I hope it makes Hitman 2 that little bit more challenging along the way. Have a look for yourself though.
Hitman 2 — Tools Of The Trade
No matter the tools of the trade, always Think Deadly.
Are you glad to see all of the extra options coming for Hitman 2 here or do you think you will still go back to the safe few you are good with? Do you think that the mirrors in the game will add a true challenge or will they be more of a nuisance in the game? What are you looking forward to the most to use in a mission? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Hitman 2 and its evolutions, be sure to stay locked into the site here. We will keep all of those updates coming.