The latest Titanfall 2 DLC has dropped and it brings some new maps and modes for Titanfall 2 not to mention a new execution
There has been way too much going on here lately that we almost missed out on the new Titanfall 2 DLC that should be available to all of you PC, PS4, and Xbox One owners out there. Maybe you saw it or maybe you didn’t, but Respawn has a new batch of changes and additions to the game and EA is bringing it all to you for Free. So if you have set down Titanfall 2 to play a few other games while waiting for anything new for the game, then it is time to load it all back up and get some more play time out of the game. Hey, you can’t beat free DLC for a game you love after all.
In this new Titanfall 2 DLC, titled The War Games, we are getting another map in the mix called, hopefully you guessed it, War Games. It is a new metropolis style cityscape that you can now run round and kill each other in or destroy to your heart’s desire with or against your friends. There is also a new Live Fire Map called Traffic in there too as well as a new Execution called Shadow Boxing. You get that when you get 20 pilot kills while holopilot is active. It also looks pretty sweet when pulled off in Titanfall 2 on top of all of that so there is yet another extra bonus there.
Other additions to Titanfall 2 through this DLC will be a 3rd weapon slot for pilots, Titan Brawl has been added to the permanent list of game modes, a new feature mode called Free Agents, and a bunch of technical changes to balance the current game. You can’t beat that too much. Have a look at some of these new additions for Titanfall 2 just below though and then get ready to give them all a chance after you go through the download and install process. Enjoy it.
Titanfall 2 — The War Games DLC
The War Games free DLC pack also includes a free new Live Fire map “Traffic”, featuring a weathered test site where pilot positioning is pitted against mobility across two busy thoroughfares. Dense cover makes every corner a threat, with room for snipers to hide in the back fields.
This DLC pack also includes some key free features, including the addition of a 3rd weapon slot, the permanent addition of Titan Brawl as a game mode, and the latest Holo Pilot execution that will put your shadow boxing skills to the test.
What do you think about the new map for Titanfall 2 here? Were these all the additions you were hoping would be coming to the game or are you still hoping for more to drag you back into the fight here? Do you think that Respawn will have another huge update anytime soon or will they be smaller maps like this and the like? Let us know down in the comments and of course feel free to discuss as you wish. As more for Titanfall 2 is revealed or released, we will have it here for you. Be sure to keep an eye on the site here for all of those updates.