The first clan to join the bloodhunt is shown off here for Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodhunt
The kindred are coming out for the hunt now and we have our first taste of the first clan to hit the streets in Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodhunt. To those outside of the loop, that was a whole lot of weird terms and words to say that Sharkmob is showing off the first of the vampire clans we will get to use in the game when it lands on us all. Clans being the specific type of vampire in the VTM universe that Bloodhunt is set in. Fresh out of gamescom this year, we now have a look at the Toreador as one of the playable clans we will stalk the streets in this battle royale title set in the World Of Darkness. Now we can try to unpack just how each of the clans might function and flow in the fast-paced game we are about to get. Early Access is still hitting the PC on September 7th.
When it comes to the vampiric clans in Bloodhunt, and VTM in general, the Toreador are the most stereotypical and basic vampires to add in. Not that they are not fun and special in their own ways, they are just the modern versions of vampires most will know without going deeper into the lore of the world. They move fast, have great senses, and have that alluring presence that makes you want to come to them or keep a distance. The first two should be easy to spot and use in Bloodhunt, but we get a slight look, it would seem, as to how the others could play into it all here. Almost as if these supernatural abilities will be used to incapacitate or slow other players and the target in the middle of the hunt. That does make some great sense to have and how to use them here. Have a look and see just how it could all feel when we get in on that Early Access soon.
Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodhunt — The Clans: Toreador
Join the Bloodhunt and become the ultimate vampire! Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodhunt is a free battle royale game set in the Vampire: The Masquerade universe. A treacherous betrayal has stirred a war amongst the vampires, who are also being targeted for annihilation by a secret society known as the Entity. Use your supernatural powers, weapons, and wit in this thrilling battle royale game to dominate the night and restore the Masquerade.
Were you expecting a different clan to get highlighted here or does the Toreador fit right in for a game like Bloodhunt? Do you think we will get to rely on these social powers more in the game or will they be the bigger guns we get to draw in the mix of things? What do you think will be the next clan and will it be one of the more obscure ones to toss in there? Give us all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. When we have more to share for Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodhunt, it will be on the site as fast as we can get it. Please keep an eye out for all of those updates and much more as we head out in the mix of it all.