There has been a little bit of a delay for Life Is Strange 2’s next episode but we will see ourselves in the world of Life Is Strange again soon
If you were hoping to be able to play the next episode for Life Is Strange 2 here in December, it is time to get ready for a bit of a letdown. It does not look like we will see a new episode drop around this month as it looks like DontNod needs a bit more time to get it all done. Sad news, sure, but the wait will not be too great as it looks like we will be seeing it land in January of 2019. When exactly is still a mystery, but we will only need to wait just a little longer to continue our story in the Life Is Strange universe.
The reason for the delay all boils down it Life Is Strange 2 not currently meeting our expectations and the developers wants before coming to market. Given that we are about to hit the major holiday seasons here I am going to guess that they also did not want to rush it before taking the breaks that usually comes with this time of year. You can read the official statement below, but it does not detail out much more than the team did not feel it was at a place to be a great follow up to the last episode. Given that Life Is Strange 2 is hitting us with another emotional story, I am perfectly fine with this so I am not left wondering why things fell off or did not work. I will wait for a great story is all I am saying.
Life Is Strange 2 — Rules
Life Is Strange 2 — Rules
Hello everyone,
As you know we have kept you updated on what we’re working on for Episode 2 with our developer update blogs. Thanks for tuning in each time and thank you very much for the support you’ve shown us in return. We hope to keep doing these developer updates as we continue to build Life Is Strange 2.
Of course, there is a pertinent piece of information that everyone has been asking for since Episode 1 launched: When will Episode 2 be releasing?
The Life Is Strange series is a project close to all of our hearts and one for which we do not want to rush development and thereby fail to meet the benchmark of quality and emotional impact that you, our players, deserve. This is why we so far have not announced an official release date — we want to ensure that we will be in a position to release something that we are proud of and that you will enjoy and remember forever.
We understand that there are certain expectations that episodes will be released at a similar cadence as previous Life Is Strange games have. The ambition of Life Is Strange 2, however, means that the previous frameworks no longer apply if we are to meet the quality of play and storytelling that our vision for a game like this demands and that you deserve.
With this in mind, we can now officially say that Episode 2 will be released in January 2019, but more will be unveiled in mid December, this year. We can’t wait to reveal more about ‘Episode 2: Rules’ to you soon! We’re truly very excited to show you what we’ve been working on and what’s in store for Sean and Daniel.
Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience and we will see you again soon!
The Life Is Strange team
Are you surprised by this update for Life Is Strange 2 or did you figure it was going to be the case here? What do you think is the true cause of the delay here or do you even think it is a delay? Are you glad to wait for a good story or would you rather have it all rushed? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is another update for Life Is Strange 2, we will have it here on the site. Be sure to keep checking back in for all of that in the coming days, weeks, and months.