More characters for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite have been revealed as well as more of the new story for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite we’ll be experiencing soon
Here we go with what I am guessing will be the final story trailer for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite before September 19th. I am guessing that as it also fleshes out the full thirty character roster that Capcom has put together for this next big outing. That and it also looks like we may have a few different stories floating around here in Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite unless the showing here doesn’t truly pan out as it looks like it will. I know I am seeing another Civil War kind of set up here as two different groups of thought debate on letting Thanos truly join in the fight for it all. Although given that he is also a playable character here, I am going to guess that there is some form of compromise met and the Mad Titan is loose.
As I said though, on top of the story for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite we also get to see more of the “darker” characters getting a highlight here and announcement. We already knew Jedah was coming but we can also see that Dormammu, Firebrand (Ghosts ‘n Goblins), and Ghost Rider. Many new darker characters and apparently there are more to come in future DLC. Just as these fighting games all seem to go. Although it looks very apparent that Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite will not have any of the Fantastic Four or Mutants as many feared. They are really pushing the cinematic and televised characters more and it shows very well here. Maybe DLC will break that mold later.
Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite — Full Story
Ultron Sigma has obtained two Infinity Stones and fused the Marvel and Capcom universes. Jedah has conspired with other villains to create a ravenous Symbiote beast. Can our heroes trust Thanos to lead them to the remaining Infinity Stones and beat back these threats? The clock is ticking, and all reality is at stake.
On top of the story and roster being fully fleshed out, we also have a look at the different modes that will be coming to Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite. Some we’ve already been able to experience with the demo that was put out there a few months ago. The rest are pretty much the standard fair we have grown to expect in fighting games as of late. That is also ranging between solo play and multiplayer. You can see a full list below with the basic descriptions for each and see just what is coming right out of the gate. Maybe things will be added on after Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite launches, but I’ll go on a limb here and say they most likely will not. Just seems about right for the state of fighting games here…
- Offline Modes and Features:
- Story — puts players at the center of a fierce battle as heroes from both universes come together to stop Ultron Sigma, the combined form of two robotic villains.
- Arcade — recreates the classic arcade experience. Keep winning to move forward and confront the final boss in an epic showdown of skills.
- Mission — players can do various tutorial missions, or try their hand at advanced character-specific challenges.
- Training — set up a training area with various parameters and hone skills to improve fighting abilities.
- Vs. Player 2 — go head-to-head against another player locally.
- Vs. CPU — play solo against an AI-controlled opponent.
- Collection — the Dr. Light Database contains numerous unlockable items, including cut scenes from the story mode, character/stage information, concept artwork and character/stage audio tracks.
- Online Modes and Features:
- Ranked Match — battle other players online to advance in the rankings.
- Casual Match — battle other players online without the results affecting the rankings.
- Beginners League — a special league fought between players of Rank 14 or lower.
- Lobby — search for or create a lobby where up to 8 players can engage in simultaneous player-vs-player matches.
- Rankings — view the rankings of players from all over the world.
- Replay Settings — configure replay settings and view replays.
What are your thoughts on the story, or stories, which will be the big part of Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite? Do you also see how Capcom has a chance to branch extra stories in here or will it be nothing more than a little spat to set up the next story fight? Are you satisfied with the single player and multiplayer modes that we will have and do you think that we could see more in the near future? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we get more for Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite, we will have it here. Keep your eyes glued to the site so you can see it all as we get closer to September 19th and the ultimate release.