System Shock’s Remaster Has More Creepy Gameplay To Freak Out Over

System Shock — Early Pre-Alpha

The remaster of System Shock has been given more gameplay to show off how faithful to the original System Shock the dev team is keeping it all

It has been a while since we heard anything out of the System Shock remaster that has been funded and going on for a while now. Of course I say that fully understanding that we are here right now as Night Dive Studios has put out a new gameplay video for the game to capture our attentions yet again. Given that they raised over a million dollars to have the chance to bring this System Shock remaster to us on our PS4, Xbox One, or PC, it seems about right that we get something new. Of course, the game isn’t slated until sometime in 2018 for release but it is nice to have some new pre-alpha footage to look at and dissect here.

More or less this new footage is still walking down some creepy hallways that we know from System Shock already but it has all been redone using the Unreal 4 Engine and is starting to look a little on the current generation of game’s level. The combat does look a little sluggish for those who want to have an action pact fear fest here in System Shock, but then we need to remember this is still really early footage of the game and not the final build. Game development is a strange beast and if we don’t give it the care and time it needs it will bite us in the ass. Hopefully that is why this looks more or less on the early side and not an indication of how the final build could be.

Have a look for yourself though as the new footage is just below. Try to remember that this is all just early footage and most likely not where Night Dive Studios will leave this version of System Shock. Unless they plan to go 100% on the faithful remake and leave all of the issues an older title had in it. I doubt that will be the case but these are strange times…

System Shock — Early Pre-Alpha

An early pre-alpha teaser trailer for our faithful reboot of System Shock 1, due out in 2018 on Windows/OSX/Linux and XboxOne/PS4.

How do you feel about the new game footage we have here for System Shock‘s remaster? Does it take you back to the original or has it been too long to remember the finer details at this time? How faithful do you think this remake will be or will it just house similar levels and mechanics to give the nostalgia but also feel like a truly new title? Let us and the world know your thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. As more on this remaster for System Shock is placed out there, we will of course have more for you here. Stay locked into the site here for all of that as I know the hardcore fans will always want more.

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