In a recent interview about System Shock’s Remake, it was revealed that we might not see this newer version of System Shock until Q1 of 2020
Just over a month ago we were all told that System Shock’s Remake was going to be placed on a hiatus of an undetermined amount of time. The team needed to refocus, they needed to get back to what they promised, and Nightdive Studios needed to make the final leap from Unity to Unreal as they have done already. There was no mention of when this remake would eventually come, but it all happened. Now we jump to GDC here recently and the fine people over at PC Gamer were able to find out the current projection for System Shock’s Remake to finally come and now we ‘possibly’ look for it on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Q1 of 2020. ‘Possibly…’
As is stated in the interview, this new timeline for System Shock’s Remake sounds more like a practical one instead of something set in stone, but that looks to be the new time to look for the game to come. Hopefully, you were not hoping to scratch that itch sooner than later. If you were then you will definitely need to find something else or just take solace in the fact that it will give the team the needed time to make sure it is a version of System Shock you have been hoping for with all of the bells and whistles of a more modern video game. The whole point of remakes and such.
Nightdive Talks System Shock Remake’s Change In Direction, Expects Release ‘Probably Q1 Of 2020’
“We understood based on the backer feedback, especially, that we weren’t going in the right direction with the game, what we promised to them,” Kick said. “That’s what really caused the shift in what we’re doing now, which is going back to what we’d established and represented with the Unity demo.”
“As we geared up and started moving forward with it, we began to run into feature creep,” Kuperman said. “All of those things like ‘you know what would really be cool, how we might reinterpret this.’ Various people wanted to put their imprint on it. As this process evolved over a period of time, it grew in complexity, and it veered away from this original representation. That doesn’t mean that interpretation would’ve been bad, but it wouldn’t have been true to the System Shock vision.”
“Our intention is to ship exactly the game that was promised, with as much of the features that were promised as we can, in a timeframe that will get it out as fast as we can. Our expectation is probably Q1 of 2020.”
“No it doesn’t. We’ve also had renewed interest from some publishing partners, for whom the more complex and costly game was something of a challenge for them, that this is what they were hoping we would provide and renewed their interest.”
What is also interesting to note here for System Shock’s Remake is the fact that Nightdive Studios does not see this cutting into or causing any financial woes along the way. They did raise 1.3 million through Kickstarter, but it also sounds like this has also kicked up interest in other players out there who may want to throw more cash at the remake here. Names were not given of specific people or publishers, but there are some nibbles out there. I am going to guess that there are some real offers on tables out there given the nonconcern of going into financial issues adding on two more years to the development of System Shock’s Remake, but we will all find out soon.
Also, if you were a backer of System Shock’s Remake on Kickstarter you will be happy to know that you will be getting an updated look at the current state of the game in Unreal in a new update just for you. It is stated to come out in early April but will be the same thing that was shown off to those who were able to attend GDC. If you did not attend and were a backer, then get ready for more of System Shock’s Remake to look at. Hopefully, it will be something that can be shared with all who want to see the game too. We will see.
Are you upset at the seemingly massive delay for System Shock’s Remake or do you just want them to take their time and get it right? Do you think that they do have some offers out there to help mitigate the costs of said delay or is that just proper hype to put the Kickstarter Backers at ease? Will the new update promised be enough to hold you over or will you be demanding more given everything that has gone on so far? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then discuss. When we get more for System Shock’s Remake, we will place it up on the site. Just be sure to keep checking in here to be able to see and experience it all.