A new title, Stormdivers, has been announced and there is very little to go on for Stormdivers outside of how the game may look at the end
If you were a fan of Resogun and/or Matterfall, then get ready for Housemarque’s next title as they have announced Stormdivers. This is a new multiplayer-centric title that will be using the power of the Unreal Engine to bring us the gameplay and make the game look just as nice as we can imagine. I know that when I hear that, and given the current craze, it sounds like Stormdivers may be their attempt at a Battle Royale title. Given that they have been working on this title in secret for two years now, though, I am also on the fence of thinking that it is not and anything multiplayer now is just going to be lumped into the Battle Royale pool until we all see differently. Everyone is making one of those now it seems.
Anyways, Stormdivers has been announced and that is about it. We have a nice little trailer to go along with the announcement that should be showing in-game visuals, but there are no further details on any of it at this point. You can see it below as well as the limited description and announcement that came with it. Not much more that we have not already stated for Stormdivers outside of the fact that there will be some on-going service the team will work on after it launches. Whenever that may be. I can see more on how people think it will be a Battle Royale title now…
Stormdivers — Announcement Trailer
Hello from Housemarque!
It’s time to introduce our latest title that we’ve been secretly working on for 2 years.
As a part of our recent transition away from our core genres, we’ve had a hard look at what really makes up an arcade game and how can we bring those elements to whole new heights. Fortunately, a few greats have been able to show the way and bring gameplay centric experiences to wider audiences. We hope to expand that progress as we bring our explosive effects and second-to-second gameplay to new genres.
Our newest title will still remain in a slight shroud of mystery, but we can say that it will be a high flying and heavy hitting, multiplayer-centric experience. It will be the first title that we treat as an on-going service, this also means that there are ways to get to play it earlier and we’d love to develop it further with a feedback loop in mind.
This will also be our second game made with the Unreal Engine (Matterfall was the first), and now we are also officially branding our added layer of special effects candy as the “Housemarque VFX Engine”. Basically meaning that we put an extra effort into creating custom technology solutions that take our upcoming titles to whole new visually shattering ends.
All the best! — Housemarque Team
What do you think about Stormdivers as it all stands at this point? Do you think it will be yet another Battle Royale game in the mix or will there be something truly different for it to stand on? What do you think of the visuals, limited as they may be, we have to see here? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. For more on Stormdivers, just keep checking in here on the site. We will keep the updates coming as best we can.