SPINE Puts The Parkour & A Few Bosses On Display For Us

SPINE — Bosses & Parkour

New gameplay for SPINE is here that gives us a feel for the parkour & bosses coming at us in SPINE

Get ready for all of that Gun Fu and parkour combat in SPINE, as we have a massive highlight for all of that out of Gamescom. Not only a highlight for all of that, but a look at the various bosses that Nekki is tossing into the game to make us need to practice all of these moves and get better linked to the spinal but of hardware we have in the game. Hence the title SPINE for the game if you have not been following along as we have been updating all of this. Now, let us dive into the newer things that are on the way for the game and what will have us running, jumping, dodging, and shooting throughout the world.

The finer details for SPINE and how we are going to pull all of this off in the game are a little sparse, but it is starting to feel like the game is a mix of Mirror’s Edge and John Wick blended together. My guess is that some of this will be how the mechanics of the game will go down as we need to pull off some crazy moves to get about and land that perfect shot in the game. All so we can bring down the various enemies and find Redline’s brother in the world. Have a look and see if it is going to tickle those fancies out there for you too. It is starting to look like one intense ride of a game, as long as it can keep its flow as the cinematics are pumping out there.

SPINE — Bosses & Parkour

Coming to PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S.

Watch the latest gameplay trailer for SPINE, featuring new Gun Fu mechanics, epic boss battles and thrilling parkour moves. Music by @lecastlevania, whom you might know for John Wick and Payday OST.

SPINE is a single-player action game about close-quarters gunfights with aesthetics of Gun Fu movies. Step into the stunning cyberpunk world with rebellious street artist Redline and her sentient combat implant Spine as they defy the autocratic AI regime in search of Redline’s captured brother.

I do have to say, it is a little weird to see how many bullets some of the bosses can take in SPINE. Especially when some of them do not look like they will have an easy way to explain things away. Like, there is a shirtless enemy here who is able to take multiple bullets and still keep coming. I know “video game logic” is a thing, but I still like to have some better explanation to it all in my video games. Maybe SPINE will have some of them be full cyborgs or so augmented that we are shooting cyberware? I guess we will find out as more for the game flows out and we wait for the full release on the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S systems out there.

Are you fully hyped up to see what else SPINE is going to offer up or do you need some explanations to a few things too? Will it use the parkour system of Mirror’s Edge or have the developers figured out a better way to do all of that in the game here? What do you think will be the reason for some of these beings being bullet sponges or will we just have to accept “video game logic?” Slide on down to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else that is coming out this week. We will have so much more for SPINE as it is served up, so please keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others we still have in the wings for you.

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