Another gameplay trailer for Agents Of Mayhem is here and as the other trailers for Agents Of Mayhem, this one rips on another ’80s icon
Get ready for more of that nostalgia to get tickled here as we have another gameplay trailer for Agents Of Mayhem and just like others in the past, it is all in the theme of another ’80s TV franchise to tug at you. Even though the game isn’t set in that time-frame, from what I can tell, it sure does seem like Deep Silver wants to keep pumping out those trailers in that manner. Maybe I am not on the ‘hip’ side of things anymore, but growing up in the ’80s it is going to take a lot more than this to sell me on Agents Of Mayhem. Things like the actual gameplay for the game that Volition has been working hard on for one. That will get my purchase on August 15th when it launches for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Anyways, since there is a bit of gameplay here for Agents Of Mayhem, we may as well have a solid look at that and try to pick apart what we can for the game instead of all the marketing sizzle and nostalgia use here. The ’80s seem to pull a lot of people in, but it is getting a bit overplayed in recent years if you ask me. You didn’t though, so let’s hop right into the new footage for Agents Of Mayhem that has been released here.
Agents Of Mayhem — Magnum Sized Action
Anyone care to bet on our bodycount? Experience ‘Magnum Sized Action’ in our new gameplay trailer. WARNING: May contain Cabbit.
Sadly, there doesn’t seem like a whole lot we can take away from this new bit of “gameplay” for Agents Of Mayhem even after trying to dig on it. It looks like the physics of the game’s world is going to be all off or we will just be able to ramp cars all over the place for whatever reason we may want. Then there is a lot of shooting and adult humor mixed in. You know, kind of like Agents Of Mayhem is set in the Saints Row universe or something. Sadly, none of it is really explained so it really all boils down to the nostalgia here to sell the game and not the mechanics or story that will be in the game. To me that isn’t what is going to sell the game, but Deep Silver is going to do what they do here I guess.
What do you think about this new “gameplay” trailer for Agents Of Mayhem? Do you agree that it should be more of an in-engine trailer instead of gameplay? Does the idea of having these iconic ’80s skins and such in the game truly sell the game for you or are you still looking out for Volition to show off some of their true talent in real gameplay here soon? Let us and the world know down in the comments and then of course discuss it all. For more on Agents Of Mayhem, hopefully real substance, be sure to keep coming back here. We’ll have more of it here to look at, even if it is more sizzle than substance…