Just in time for the new Tomb Raider film to hit theaters, Shadow Of The Tomb Raider has been officially announced and coming this year for all platforms
It looks like we can put most of the rumors to rest as Shadow Of The Tomb Raider has been officially announced and let loose on the world. At least in the most teaser of ways as Eidos-Montréal and Square Enix are still holding off on the full reveal of the game until April 27th. They still needed to work with the hype of the new Tomb Raider film, so it makes sense that they would make this announcement now and not wait until the film is no longer anywhere out there. Unless it has the staying power we hardly ever see. So, good call on them but sadly the details and visuals of it all are extremely limited as the later date we have will house most of it I am guessing.
What we do have here for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is a nice little teaser of Non-Gameplay to show off the ideas that the team have for the final game. There is also word that this will also be the game where Lara takes on the full role of Tomb Raider in this rebooted franchise. Also, the game is slated to release on September 14th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. None of that timed-exclusive bullshit that we had with the last game. I am guessing that they found out how much that sucks for fans and gamers out there and are just foregoing that here. If there is a platform specific thing for the game I am going to guess it will be in a DLC kind of way.
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider — Teaser Trailer
Experience Lara Croft’s defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider. Available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on September 14th, 2018.
Are you glad to have the announcement for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider here or would you have rather Square Enix had waited to give us more details? Do you think this will play anywhere into the lore of the feature film that is rebooting that side of the franchise or will they stay separated in all other ways? Do you think we will be hit with platform exclusive content even though the core game will release across all at that same time? Let us have those thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. When we have more to share for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider, we will have it on the site. Stick around here so you are able to see it all.