Another live stream for Hunt: Showdown has gone down and this one goes even more into the world of Hunt: Showdown and its darkness
Another live stream has come to an end for Hunt: Showdown and now we have even more to look forward to for the game, specifically the world that all of the matches will be taking place in. That was the focus this time around from Crytek as they already touched on all of the weapons and gear that are currently out there for the game. At least out there in terms of what they have shown off as the PC alpha test is still a bit off and then we have until next year to even see it aiming for the PS4 and Xbox One in any way. Last time anything was updated Hunt: Showdown was still heading that way, but for now, the main focus is on the PC version for obvious reasons. But now I am digressing away from the topic.
Anyways, here we get a nice long look at where the team drew inspiration from for the environments and other things for Hunt: Showdown. Since it is set mainly down in the Louisiana swamplands, obviously there is a lot of inspiration from, but there are a few others thrown in there. It is interesting to see that there looks to be some kind of “zombie moose” of some sort that the team took from for one or a few of the bosses in Hunt: Showdown. This could be nothing, but there are images of this under the Boss section of the presentation here. This could be the already announced Butcher boss, but maybe there is something a little more sinister coming down the pipeline. Just maybe…
Have a look at the new stream for Hunt: Showdown just below. Like in the past, Crytek focuses in for the first third on the design aspect of the game then follow it up with some actual gameplay all to wrap with another Q/A session. A lot of great stuff to see here so get ready to sit back and enjoy it all.
Hunt: Showdown — The World Of Hunt
This week we talked about the World of Hunt with Chris, Marcel and Florian. We had a look in the editor at some level design and more gameplay. At the end, another Q&A focused on level design.
Near the end of the stream here, it is mentioned that there would be the “Rise Up Dead Man” song released out in the wild. This is the song we have heard many times for Hunt: Showdown already with the humming. To make life easy for you, if you wanted to hear it all, I have included it just below so you can partake and maybe give it a few good plays. I am sure we will hear it quite a bit in the future, but it is something that a lot of fans have requested and the team has abided.
Hunt: Showdown — Rise Up Dead Man
Check out our theme named “Rise Up Dead Man” created by Crytek. All rights reserved.
What do you think of the world that is being built here for Hunt: Showdown? Do you like all of the hidden areas that could be filled with nothing or bosses? Do you think that having all of those audio queues mixed in will help balance the game out or will it be a bit too distracting when all is said and done? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. We will keep our coverage of Hunt: Showdown going so be sure to keep checking back in here for all of that. I am sure you will be glad that you did.