We sit down and review Immortal Redneck. This quirky game has made its way over to the PS4 and Xbox One now. Here is our review of Immortal Redneck
Last year, some gamers out there had a chance to pick up and play Immortal Redneck when it launched on the PC. Here we are under a year later and the game is out there again with CremaGames bringing it on over to the consoles as well. Sadly, we missed out on Immortal Redneck the first time around but I guess that is why we are back with a review of the new-ish version of the game as it hops onto the PS4 and Xbox One. It is another roguelike title that may be added into your list for the low price of $19.99 but before you run on out there and do that, have a look at what we thought about it in our latest review right here.
You are just another stereotypical redneck out on a holiday in Egypt. While doing what a redneck would do out on this kind of excursion, some kind of accident falls upon you and things get weirder. Not weird as in aliens and probing, but being mummified and brought back from the dead. All so you can run through a few pyramids out there in the sands, shoot a bunch of things, and try to figure out what actually happened to you. What do you care though? You are now locked and loaded and have little care of actually dying from dumb choices and things need killin’ out there.
As silly as the story actually sounds here for Immortal Redneck, I was kind of hoping for a bit more than what was actually handed out there to get the ball rolling. There are little bits here and there during the game, but with something as crazy and bizarre as we have here, I would have liked to know more. Even just a bit more to experience and go into the weird lore that CremaGames had to come up with for all of the things we had to gun down in the game. It is not the largest of faults for Immortal Redneck, but it was something I would have liked to have mixed in a bit more. It would have broken up some of the repetitive elements of the game and brought just that little extra level of enjoyment to the game.
Speaking of repetitive in Immortal Redneck, while it was designed and uses the procedural elements the genre of gameplay is known for, the variations of different rooms to go into were not as numerous to make it feel like things were new each time. The core gameplay of Immortal Redneck has you going through randomly generated “floors” of the pyramids to shoot everything, and they did change each time, but the number of pre-laid out rooms did not seem as numerous as the game needed. I found myself quickly learning those layouts and able to gun down many of the enemies quickly due to the nature of things here. It also made me want to skip some areas completely as I knew there would be nothing of benefit just by looking through the doorway before entering.
While I would have loved more story for Immortal Redneck, there is no denying that the gameplay and general mechanics of the game kept me coming back for more with each new death. Between unlocking new deity aspects to run back in with, or just other bonuses after each pyramid run, things either felt easier or harder depending on how I wanted to go. It was as if CremaGames understood how frustrating things would be on the repetitious side of things that they made sure the shooting and general movement was well done. They also made sure that there were some great active and passive abilities for us to use in Immortal Redneck that gave us a feeling of control when there was not much at all. It did a decent job of mixing things up and trying to break up any monotony that could have come.
In addition to that, I have to applaud the random scroll bonuses and negatives used in Immortal Redneck, as that is where the breakups truly shined. These would be random items you could find in chests throughout the pyramids or dropped by random enemies during play. They went away with each new death, but they could drastically change the flow of things each time they were added in. They also seemed to be plentiful enough that I do not remember picking up the same one twice so I had a chance to experience many of the weird tweaks, perks, or drawbacks that changes the core gameplay up enough to feel fresh. It made the whole shoot, die, repeat thing interesting to go back and do multiple times over.
Lastly, while Immortal Redneck is not going to win awards for photorealism or any specific art style in gaming, I did enjoy all of the aesthetics I ran into during my time. From the UI, characters, levels, enemies, and the many other visuals placed in the game, it was all well done and ran extremely smooth during each new play. Even when there were many enemies, bullets everywhere, and items dropping from every side of the screen, there was never a slowdown or drop. This fit with the manic and insane thematic that Immortal Redneck set right from the start of play. You can tell that the team took extra care to make sure this was the case no matter the system you are running the game on.
While playing Immortal Redneck I did run into a few issues. It did get a bit repetitive at times and I would have loved more of the odd story the whole game was building upon, but at the end of the day, I had a lot of fun with it. It did a great job at making me want to be better each time or to grind up more coins to unlock more skills and perks. If you are not able to handle basic repetition in video games, Immortal Redneck may not be the title for you. If you are looking for a fun game with a weird setting and looking to lose many hours without notice, then you should totally give it a try. There is a bit of a learning curve in the game, but it is something you feel you want to master and not something you need to master to enjoy.
I give Immortal Redneck 7 Active Scrolls on the Active Scroll scale.
Immortal Redneck — Launch Trailer
Immortal Redneck was developed and published by CremaGames for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on and came to consoles on February 27th, 2018. A PS4 copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.