New footage for Resident Evil: Revelations and Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is here to show off how the games will look on the Nintendo Switch
We all knew it was going to happen and now we can see Resident Evil Revelations and Revelations 2 coming to the Switch on November 30th of this year. Why would these titles not get the remaster and port treatment to give Capcom fans more to play and experience on the new system? Especially since both of these Resident Evil titles made a good jump to the PS4 and Xbox One with some new visuals and everything. It is also a nice way to get all that DLC bundled up in one place to get to experience it all in one fell swoop. Also, while on the go because survival horror does well when you are in a crowded space playing on the go and such. Although I am sure that is not why it is releasing on the platform here and now.
Each of these titles has a nice and new overview trailer to show off what we can expect for the games. The first up is Resident Evil: Revelations that kicked off all of the fun here in this part of the franchise. It looks just as nice as it did when it came to us before. Even running on the little screen that it would be if you did choose to take Resident Evil: Revelations on the go. Have a look at the latest trailer and see just what I am talking about here for the game. It is rather impressive.
Resident Evil: Revelations — Nintendo Switch
Scheduled release date: November 30, 2017
Now that that is over, here is the latest trailer for Resident Evil: Revelations 2 coming to the Switch too. Just as it could be assumed, it looks just as good as it did on the PS4 and Xbox One. Again, not too surprising given the release timelines for the game and what the new console can do. Have a look at it in motion here and then get ready for November 30th to roll around so you can pick it up and give it a play. If you have a Switch and the game is in your preferences at least.
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 — Nintendo Switch
Scheduled release date: November 30, 2017
What are your thoughts on Resident Evil Revelations and Revelations 2 making the jump to the Switch and will you be giving it a try or another play now? Do you agree that they both look pretty much the same just with a new console and DLC added in? Do you think the split screen play will work better on the Switch than it did before or will it be on par with where it was before? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. If there is more for Resident Evil: Revelations or anything else in the franchise, we will have it here. Be sure to keep checking in to see and hear it all.