The first DLC character for Injustice 2 is going to be Red Hood and here’s a look at him in action for Injustice 2 as he stands
Hopefully by now you have been enjoying Injustice 2 and everything that it has to offer us all out there. I know I have and I am looking forward to everything that NetherRealm Studios has to bring us as we start to venture into the DLC character add-ons and other events they have planned. More so now that we know that Red Hood will be coming as the first DLC character for Injustice 2 and is slated to come sometime in June now for both the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game. Not only for those who picked up the Ultimate Edition or the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game, but also as a solo purchase for those who want to get their extra fighters that way. Although most likely at a higher cost in that aspect.
Now that we know that he is coming to Injustice 2 and about when, it is also time to have a better look at the character outside of the first action trailer we were shown back when the Fighter Pack #1 was announced. Now we have one of those fun introduction trailers that we had during the whole build up for Injustice 2 for each of the characters announced so far. Have a look and get a feel for Red Hood as we wait just a bit longer for him to officially join the roster and then the multiverse that has been crafted for us. I’m also hopeful for some kind of extra story to be mixed in as well, but I’ll take what I can for now.
Injustice 2 — Introducing Red Hood!
Red Hood
Jason Todd once served as Batman’s second protégé “Robin” before being brutally murdered by The Joker. Years later, the powerful healing waters of the Lazarus Pit brought Jason Todd back to life. However the power of the pit comes at a cost, and a change takes hold in Jason. He now uses mantle of the Red Hood to wage a lethal war on crime.
I am still not sure how I feel about Red Hood after seeing him in action here. He looks like a blending of Batman, Robin, and Deadshot all in one character. That would be the Injustice 2 fighter style and not the comic versions of those characters mind you. He looks like he is going to either be a blast, pun intended, to play with or he is going to be the bane of existence here. I will say he looks like he will be a great addition to Injustice 2 but if he is easy to master I can see Red Hood being the main of many players online and quickly. I have faith that NetherRealm Studios has balanced him, but there is always a doubt that has to bubble up with a character that looks like this.
Are you ready for Red Hood to join Injustice 2 or is it too soon to get another character into the mix here? Do you agree with me on the fighting style or is it just to minor of a cross-over that I am building up more than need be? When do you think in June we will see Red Hood and do you think it will follow the same lines for each additional fighter with about a month between each? Let us know down in the comments and then discuss as you wish. For more on Injustice 2 and all of the DLC that is still to come, be sure to stay here for all those updates. We’ll try to have them all here for you in due time.