A Danish retailer may have revealed Red Dead Redemption 2’s release date to the world and it looks like Red Dead Redemption 2 will be right on par with what was assumed
More rumors are abound for Red Dead Redemption 2 as it looks like we may have had a release date slip and this time from a reliable source from the past. Rockstar Games has not given out much for the game to date sans a few little trailers and minor details like it will launch in Spring of 2018. As you are well aware by now, that has led to a lot of fans searching out for anything for Red Dead Redemption 2. This is of course how we may now have a release date slip as it looks like the game could be dated for June 8th 2018. At least in the EU region as it all comes from a Danish retailer who has had some credit when it comes to things like this. They did let loose the date for the remaster of GTAV back when that was a thing.
As of this writing, you can still see the product page active and showing the release date for Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course, we have taken a chance to screen capture it in the instance that the page is taken down or updated to reflect a more open-ended release window. Nonetheless, have a look for yourself and see just what is being talked about here.
This should all still be taken as rumor for now as Rockstar has yet to give a solid date for Red Dead Redemption 2, but it does line up with a few things. June 8th still falls in the Spring of 2018 window we have already been given as the final date in that block is June 21st. The day also is a Friday in the week and while Tuesdays are the normal day in the NA region, big titles like Red Dead Redemption 2 can and do take advantage of the Friday dates. So there is further merit to it all, but again, this is not a confirmed thing. I guess we will know here soon if they start all of the promotions and showings for the game in the next month or so to build up for this release.
Do you think that this could be the actual release date for Red Dead Redemption 2 or is it just wishful thinking at this point? Do you think the fact that the same retailer outed a different Rockstar Games title it gives it all more credit? Do you just want the game to be ready when it is ready and not looking for specific dates? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. When we get more for Red Dead Redemption 2, or a confirmation, we will update you on the site. Just be sure to keep checking back in to make sure you are seeing it all.