An extended gameplay video for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus shows off some new gear for Wolfenstein II and just how to clear out New Orleans of Nazis
You wanted more footage for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and now we have it. A whole lot of gameplay footage straight from Machine Games on this that shows off a bit more of New Orleans after it has had a wall built around it and filled with Nazis. Nazi that are ripe for the punching and shooting here. Of course, there are many other ways to end their lives in Wolfenstein II, but this is where we are going with all of this as we see some new gear and gadgets we will get to use when the game hits on October 27th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Get ready to see what Bethesda has paid for here and then hold your commentary for now. Or don’t. This is not Nazi Germany after all.
None of these new gadgets for Wolfenstein II are really described in the video below, they are shown in use though, so we will break them down for you beforehand so you can fully enjoy the latest gameplay. Especially since it seems like B.J. really knows how to punch a Nazi and a wall here. That of course is the first bit of gear here called The Ram Shackles. More or less it looks like a hydraulic fist attachment that allows B.J. to punch harder and also break down some walls that may be in his way. The greatest of additions to Wolfenstein II here if you ask me.
The next bit of gear for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus that we get to see here is the new Battle Walker that is attached to him. It is what makes it look like B.J. has a super jump ability or the ability to hover around the maps. More or less, it looks like they are leg extenders that help him move around, presumably based on the busted legs we have seen, but they will get him to higher locations than normal. I am sure there is a better reason for all of this as it would seem a bit better to just have him climb, but gameplay requires more fun than just some animations.
The last bit of gear here for Wolfenstein II is something called the Constrictor Harness. Just as it sounds, it will squeeze B.J.’s body to the point that he can get through tight spaces like pipes and vents. There is one part in the blow video that seems like an impossible move until you realize that it is all based on this new bit of gear that Machine Games has for us in the game. It makes a little more sense but not complete sense as it sounds like it would kill B.J. from just use. Not only that, but it also negates all of the gear he is wearing that would also be a problem in getting around in the tight spots. But that is logic in video games instead of just fun.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus — Nazis In New Orleans
We’re taking you through the streets of New Orleans in our latest developer gameplay video.
The once vibrant city of New Orleans is now a rundown wasteland that’s been walled off by the Nazis. In Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, you’ll set out to rescue Resistance Leader Horton Boone in an attempt to take back the city, defeating every Nazi in your path with an array of unique weapons. We also show you what it’s like to ride a fire-breathing Panzerhund.
Our developer gameplay video also gives you a look at the game’s new contraptions system. Each of three new contraptions gives BJ a new ability for taking on enemies and traversing the environment in unique new ways: The Ram Shackles contraption lets BJ ram into walls — and enemies — for a devastating blow, Battle Walker takes BJ to new heights, making it easy reach new areas or evade attacks, while the Constrictor Harness will allow BJ to squeeze into tight spots like narrow pipes or vents.
What do you think of the new gear we have coming to Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus here? Did all of it make sense now that it was explained or are you still scratching your head over some of it here as it does not make sense still? Does it look more like we are only going to get to ride Panzerhunds in very specific section now or will there always be an option to do so? Give us all of those new thoughts and feelings down in the comments and then discuss. For all things Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, make sure to stick around here on the site. We will have it all and you will love to see it.