An early access date for Praey For The Gods is now set and PC gamers will have the option to give Praey For The Gods a go before the end of the week
It is time to add one more game to the list of Early Access titles as Praey For The Gods is heading there on January 31st. At least for the PC crowd who are looking to give the game a go through Steam. No Matter Studios is looking for some solid help to get the game to a full place and add it to the list of giant-slaying games out there. Giant-slaying in terms of the creatures we will need to take care of in Praey For The Gods and not in terms of the sales just yet. That is yet to be seen as the game is still in early stages. Still in the realm of possibilities but we will have to wait and see.
Accompanying this announcement is a bit of new gameplay for Praey For The Gods to give one and all a better understanding of what this Early Access will entail. In terms of gameplay and not any limitations or problem areas that need to still be ironed out of the game. That is what we will be paying for here after all. That is not to say that Praey For The Gods does not have a Shadow Of The Colossus feel to it all from all of this. That could just be the vibe I am getting from it all and things could be a bit different when we get into the practice of it. Have a look for yourself and see if you want to help make sure this game comes to market.
Praey For The Gods — Early Access
Coming to Steam Early Access January 31st, 2019!
Praey For The Gods is a brutal journey set on a desolate frozen island, where your only chance of survival is to destroy the very gods you believe in.
In Praey For The Gods, you play a lone hero sent to the edge of a dying world to discover the mystery behind a never-ending winter. Arriving with only the clothes on your back, you must survive the colossal dangers that you encounter. To restore balance and reclaim the land from the brink, you will be faced with questions that not even a God knows the answer to.
Consoles coming later in 2019.
How is Praey For The Gods looking to you and will this help it along its path in your eyes? Do you think it will play as a clone of the other title mentioned here or is that just the feeling we are getting and nothing more? Are Early Access deals still weird to you or have you been burned by them in the past and still question why others still pay in? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have more to share for Praey For The Gods, we will share it all here. All you have to do is keep climbing into the site with your browser. Then you will be as up to date as we are.