A new title in the Planet Of The Apes line has been announced & this fall we will be playing Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier for more story
This seems like an out-of-nowhere announcement, but we have another new title coming this Fall in the way of Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier. No this is not another film that will be coming for the rebooted franchise, but a video game bridge of a title coming from Imaginati Studios to fill in some of the story between Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes and War For The Planet Of The Apes. Seems like a bit of a miss given that the film has already launched and any solid tie-in there has mostly been missed, but nonetheless we are getting it. Also we are getting it for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC so this isn’t supposed to be some silly little marketing mobile title to drive more fans to the theaters or to purchase the digital versions of the films.
In Last Frontier, we get to play roles on both sides of the conflict here and try to see how each has their own story and survivor tale to tell. So yes, we will play parts as the Apes and other parts as Humans and somehow tie it all back to the main story. I’m guessing all as satellite cells of both factions who answer up to the core ones we know from the films here. That is at least how I’d like to make sense of it all as it seems like it is only going to be a shared universe and not something that is directly tied to each other outside of that. I mean, if it all were directly tied we would know the outcome and lose all suspense and fun here.
Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier — Trailer 1
Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier is set in the time between Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and War for the Planet of the Apes. Play as the apes and humans through an emotional rollercoaster of epic, moral and ethical decisions to create the outcome you want in the Planet of the Apes universe.
The above trailer doesn’t do much in terms of showing off the gameplay for Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier. At first thought it would seem like it would be a shooter type game with a few stealth sections mixed in to tell the story on how one beats out the other, but as it turns out it looks like it could play a lot more like Until Dawn when all is said and done. At least that is the feeling I get off the following gameplay that should have been in the above trailer. It also is what led me down the path of thinking that none of it is directly tied to the core franchise but only in a shared space. I can see how the following missions could go wrong or right and lead to a vastly different story for the films.
Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier — Gameplay
What do you think of Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier as it all stands here? Do you think that it has missed the mark to get a good tie-in or will it be something that does well on its own? What do you think of the gameplay that we have here and do you think it is the perfect way to tell this story or would you have rather the Call Of Duty style of things? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we get more information on Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier, we will have it up on the site for you. Keep checking in to make sure you get to see it all.