Another trailer for Outcast: Second Contact has dropped to show us how things should be a snap in Outcast but we all know that they really will not be
The wait is almost over now as we have a release date for Outcast: Second Contact on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It has felt like a long delay since we first heard that Appeal and Bigben were bringing us this great 1999 game again in this remake. Now we only have a few weeks to go until we can jump in and see how well it was put back together and brought back to us all. At least if Outcast: Second Contact looks like it could be your cup of tea here. I know it will not be something for all gamers out there, but for a specific generation it will be nice to see it back and maybe show others just what captivated their eyes so long ago. Now it will be back on November 14th.
In addition to the release date announcement for Outcast: Second Contact, we also have a new trailer to show off a bit more of how the game looks at this point. Given that the release date is rather close, I am going to guess this is the final version so do not expect much to change. Then again, there is still yet to be a price set for the purchase but if you are purchasing Outcast: Second Contact through Steam you will get a 15% discount until November 29th. If you currently own the original version of the game, you will be getting a 30% discount for the updated one. Not too bad of a deal to give this remake some of your time and attention after it launches.
Outcast: Second Contact — Hero Trailer
Bigben and the studio Appeal are giving you the chance to catch up on the adventures of Cutter Slade, the emblematic hero of Outcast: Second Contact. The remake of the cult classic Outcast will be released on November 14th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
Alone on an unknown planet, without equipment, with no trace of his companions and without even the slightest idea on how to complete his mission: that’s the complicated situation Cutter Slade finds himself in when he awakens on Adelpha, an alien world as beautiful as it is dangerous.
Are you glad to see that Outcast: Second Contact has a solid release date now or has it been off your radar for too long for you to remember? What do you think of how the game looks so far and will it be able to pull you into the classic world from so long ago? Did you own or play the original back in 1999 or would this be your first trip into the IP? Let everyone out there know what you are thinking down in the comments and, of course, feel free to discuss. For all things Outcast: Second Contact, keep checking in here. We will keep you as well informed as possible.