Hot off the official announcement of Dead Dozen, we have some new pre-alpha gameplay to look at and see just what we could be getting ourselves into with Dead Dozen
Back in November, we had a nice little tease for an upcoming title called Dead Dozen. More or less it looked like another Zombie Shooter coming from Fntastic Entertainment and had very little to go on outside of the eleven versus one style of gameplay it was going to have. One player would spawn in as the “ghoul” in the match and the other eleven would be survivors who needed to barricade themselves in a building and survive the onslaught of the ghoul. Obviously, there is a bit more to Dead Dozen than that, but this was all that we had from before and things were looking grim as the world it is set in.
Jump forward to today and now we have some new gameplay for Dead Dozen to look at. It is still pre-alpha gameplay for the game so do not expect much to shock and awe, but it does house a few interesting things that are also part of the gameplay. We get to see a bit of the basics for barricading. Here it is not much more than a single wooden bar and moving basic “shelves” around, but it is something. We also have a nice look at how some of the combat in Dead Dozen will be handled, and it is about as basic as one could assume given the current state of the game. Read that as lacking full animations and all the fun that can go into seeing that. It is still early so we need to cut a bit of slack.
What is a bit interesting to see is that the levels themselves look to have a lot of destructible elements in them for now. Here you will see something that looks like the ghoul stopping and taking a break, but it looks like it is able to summon other dead allies to rush in and completely negate the barricade by bringing down a sidewall. If this option is in there at all times I do not see a reason to barricade at all. I hope that it is more of a “special” attack that the ghoul gets that can only be used a specific number of times. That would make the most logical sense of it all. Maybe that is just me though.
Dead Dozen — Pre-Alpha Gameplay
Dead Dozen is a Multiplayer Action Horror Game where you turn into a ghoul after your death as a human. Loot, barricade and cooperate when you play as a Survivor or infiltrate, infect and eat your former human friends when you play as a Ghoul.
You most likely saw it in the gameplay already, but in Dead Dozen when you are killed by the ghoul you are brought back to help take down the living players. It also looks like you get to spawn from where you were dropped so if it is behind a barricade already, they will be locked in with you as well. I am pretty sure that it is just because of the current state of Dead Dozen, but currently, it does not look like much more than a slight skin change and the dropping of a weapon that indicates a player is no longer in the land of the living. I have faith that Fntastic Entertainment will give us some better cues to look at in the final build, but for now, it seems a bit lackluster. It is pre-alpha after all.
How do you feel about Dead Dozen now that you have seen some gameplay and not just the slight tease from back in November? Are you digging the new way these shooters games are going with one monster versus a huge team or do you like the battle royal system everyone uses now? Do you think that all of this will be updated as they exit the alpha stage or will it stay this basic and just get some flashing textures and models in the end? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we get more for Dead Dozen, you will get it too. That is, as long as you stick around on the site.