New off-screen gameplay for Biomutant is here to look at as Biomutant was on the show floor at the PlayStation Arena in South Korea
Here we go with a bit more gameplay for Biomutant and this time fresh from South Korea where the game was being shown off on the PS4 pro during an event. We have seen a bit of things from Experiment 101 in the past, but most of what they have shown has been small clips all linked together in weird ways and very little free-flowing gameplay. This could be just the setting that most of the events THQ Nordic has the game out at or maybe because they are trying to keep much of Biomutant under wraps for us to enjoy on our own. No matter the case, it looks like we have some new gameplay that was shot off-screen and then posted online. The internet age is a wonderful thing…
As you can see here, there is not much substance to what is going on in Biomutant, but we do get to see a little more of the traversal and minor combat mechanics in action. It looks a lot like Darksiders in mechanics to me, which is a great thing. It also looks a lot like many other hack-n-slash titles out there just a bit slowed down from the manic action those usually tend toward. The point I am getting at here is that it does look like Biomutant will have some great gameplay mechanics for us to enjoy that look a lot like things that work very well from video games in the past. Do need to break things that already work I do say.
Have a look for yourself and see a bit more of Biomutant in the raw. Then be your own judge and get ready to wait a bit longer for the game to finally hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC sometime in 2018. That is the best release schedule we have to date.
Biomutant — Demo Walkthrough
Biomutant is a post-apocalyptic open-world ARPG that delivers real-time melee, shooter and mutant ability action. Replayability by varied and deep character progression, exploration of three systematically generated worlds, an underworld, and a small solar system, by foot, mech, air-balloon, jetski, and UFO. Biomutant also features a fully customizable (MMO style) character and mutation system, bionics and creative item crafting, plus an interactive narrative featuring a contextual storyteller where the players create their own story of survival in a vibrantly colorful world.
What do you think about Biomutant after what little extra we have to look at here? Do you agree that the base gameplay looks a lot like Darksiders in general but with different paint and more options to us? How many other items will we need to find in the game to be able to get around or will they progress in terms of the story? Let us all know your thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we find more for Biomutant, we will update the site with it all. Just be sure to keep coming back to read and see it all.